Chapter 3

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I later say good-bye to my friends Carly, Alayna, Hannah, and Mike. Then I see that Carly finally found her mate ha never would have seen that one coming(jk). "Kiley this is Anthony." As Carly introduces me I look him dead in the eye. "If you hurt her Taylor and I will hunt you down." All they did was laugh. How rude?

"Kiley it's time to go." Cisco said as he packed our things into his car. I hug everyone again and say good bye and give my cousin a good slap on the head then go. "Ready?" He asked as we get in the car. "As ready as I'll ever be." I've never been so nervous. What if his pack doesn't like me? OMG what if he wants to have pups right away??? "Kiley don't worry about that stuff it will all happen when it's ready to." I looked at him embarrassed. Oops forgot about the whole mates can read each other's minds.

I wake up to see we are pulling up to where I think his pack lives. "We are here." He says. As soon as he says that all his pack members walk out and clap. Is that like a thing now clapping like damn.

"Hello luna Kiley welcome to your new pack." I smile. "Thank you. May I ask what your name is?" The older man smiles. "I'm Cisco's father the elder." I bow my head. "It's great to meet you." He just laughs and hugs me.

:Taylor: hey bae guess what?!?!

:me: what is it? It's so early?

:Taylor: I'm having another pup!!!

:me: god I hope it's a girl we don't need another Sam around here

:Taylor: lol I want more of Sam around here.

:me: I'm going back to bed lol I'm going to visit as soon as I can but u need to stop poppin babies out every other day:P

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