Chapter 7

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Today I have to go to the medicine elder because my period has been late and I don't know why. "Well luna Kiley looks like,even though you didn't want to, your pregnant." I just sit there in shock and happiness. "I have to tell Cisco!" I tell as I run out of the room.

However, I call Taylor and tell her and of course she crazy happy. "OMG Kiley that poor kid having a crazy ass mom like you!" She screams into the phone. "And guess what I had my baby I know it's soon but we have our babies fast." She told me. "What did you name her?" I asked. "Kathrine Elizabeth." I smile, "that's beautiful." Just then Cisco walks in. "Got to go bye girl."

"So you wanted to tell me something?" He said with a huge smile. "Okay so I know I said it would be too early but we are going to be parents!" I told him extra excited. He runs up to me and picks me up and hugs me. "Oh my lord that's amazing I'm so happy!" I says as he sets me down.

I've never been more happy in my life but I have a weird feeling after this excitement things will take a turn for the worse.

Alphas LunaWhere stories live. Discover now