|Tea and Coffee C1|

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Now imagine this; a young man about the age of twenty is sitting on the countertop drinking some tea, green tea to be specific. This young man's sacred name is undoubtedly Jeon Jungkook, but willingly let's merely call him Jungkook or Kook for now. Kook lives with his roommates', Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Ho-Seok, and Park Jimin. Even though these five roommates can be as annoying as five-year-olds on a summer morning, Jungkook dearly loves them anyways.

Jungkook sits there peacefully drinking and minding his private business, all the conscious while watching attentively his favourite TV show. He was isolated in the modern house since all of his dear friends are gone for the day. Properly fixing his floral shirt Jungkook notices something a bit odd with one of the leading actors. As Jungkook watches carefully the behaviour of this character, he starts noticing that some of the actions this actor does don't belong in the show.

"Hm... how odd, then again this show is pretty odd," Kook mumbled to himself, the steamy tea fogging up his classes as he moved forward. What Jungkook couldn't understand was the fact that the scene playing was supposed to comprise a cheerful one. If that's so then why is the actor looking nervous in the face? It openly made Jungkook question what was happening behind the scenes. What made kook even more nervous about this? It was the fact that this was Jungkook's favourite Actor. Which meant Jungkook can't just go up to this man and ask about that one scene and why he was so nervous.

The show was always broadcasted live for everyone to watch at that time so it couldn't just be intended. Breaking out of his trance, Jungkook's head snapped towards the jiggling doorknob. The sudden sound made the Korean male drop his cup of coffee, shattering it into big and small pieces. Swearing under his breath Kook carefully moved off the countertop and towards the broom. At that moment his two roommates walked in with small chuckles and bags in their hands.

Seeing the mess Jungkook had made, one of them spoke out. "And here I thought Namjoon was the clumsy one." The black haired male named Jin said with a playful punch to his boyfriend Namjoon who was beside him.

Namjoon rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, his dimples deeply poking out. "oh hush." He muttered before going over to Jungkook who was currently trying to sweep up his mess without piercing his skin from the shattered stained glass.

"You know with all that talking you could at least help," Kook muttered under his breath before standing up with a hand on his hips. Namjoon smiled taking the broom from Jungkook and cleaning the rest of the mess with ease. While Namjoon did, that Jungkook couldn't help but think of that scene again. Now that he thought about it, that character has always been doing weird things on the show, like making subtle hand signals to the camera or looking around nervously when everything was calm.

The more Kook thought about it the more he began worrying. The brunette quickly pulled out his phone, excusing himself and running up the stairs towards his room. He searched up the show, finding not a single speculation of that character. Was Jungkook looking into this too deeply? He then went going to find if that actor had any social media, nothing. He would look up if the actor had any parents and or siblings, nothing. There was not a trace of the character except for the fact that He acts on one show only, his age and name (Taehyung).

Now Jungkook was even more worried. Why didn't Taehyung have any additional information like any other actor or actress? Why didn't he act in other shows? Why did he seem so nervous in the only show he has been on for years on end?

Jungkook merely shut his personal laptop and groaned softly from frustration. This was so odd... Kook had to find out answers to his questions, and he couldn't tell anyone otherwise they'll just tease him for thinking overmuch into a tv show. Jungkook's foolish head merely began hurting from the excessive amount of thinking he was merely doing. Sighing softly the male hopped downstairs to make himself some coffee, maybe that'll clear his sore head.

Still, even after coffee, there was one terrible thing on Jungkook's suspicious mind, under no circumstances was Taehyung signalling he was allegedly kidnapped?

-- C. 1 completed!

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