|Believe Me C2.|

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"Wake up Jungkook!" Jungkook was greeted with a pillow thrown against his face by none other then the one and only Jeon Hoseok. The red head pulled and pushed at the younger males body, getting the other roommates to throw pillows at the youngest.

Kook growled under his breath, those damned roommates are always waking him up in the most terrible way.

"I'm up, I'm up." He grumbled out his voice laced with exhaustion. Even though the male was started to get up another pillow was thrown at him. Jungkook sighed softly watching the pillow fall from his face. Taking a deep breath the Korean male walked into his bathroom only to find the oldest of the roommates in there using his bathroom. Jungkook groaned loudly, "hyung! I'm sorry for being rude but can you not use my bathroom? There is one downstairs!" Jungkook whined like a small child.

Jin only closed the door making jungkook sigh.

After having a terrible morning jungkook sat down on the couch turning the TV on to his favourite show. As soon as the channel played jungkook was reminded of Taehyung. His eyes laid on the actor sighing softly, the same actions were happening only worse this time.

Jimin came in sitting down next to jungkook with a smile, he as well loved this TV show and would often come join jungkook to watch. While the two roommates watched the actors Jimin noticed something about Taehyung. "Ah... Jungkook, why is Taehyung's arm bruised...?" Jimin asked while jungkook's eyes went wide. There and behold was a dark bruise on the males arm. How the hell did that get there?! "Woah... How did that get there?" The black haired male asked watching as Taehyung mouthed something under his breath. It looked like Taehyung was mouthing numbers, jungkook paid close attention to the numbers repeating them under his breath. Suddenly the tv turned off making Jimin jump in surprise, without even asking much questions jungkook jumped up and ran to his room.


"Guys you have to believe me!" Jungkook exclaimed to the two males in front of him. They didn't look much amused not one bit by jungkook's assumptions.

"Jungkook there is a very low chance that Taehyung is kidnapped." Jin said with a bored look in his eyes. This only caused the younger to whine and groan in frustration. "I'm telling the truth! Guys he's been giving signals, he has a bruise on his arm after yesterday! He even mouthed coordinates! You can not tell me this guy isnt kidnapped!" Jungkook explained to the two. Namjoon gently touched jungkook's shoulder. "It's just a tv show, kook. Calm down."

Jungkook groaned in frustration once more before storming away he slammed his room door shut and began typing in the coordinates.

"Don't worry Taehyung... Im coming for you."

Sorry this is shorter wrote it while next to my father in a very hot car.

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