|the Final Chapter|

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It was the day of the funeral. After jungkook and Taehyung died because of gunshots the police had came and took the people away.

Jungkooks roommates were devastated to hear and see their beloved kook lifeless hand and hand with the one he loved. They should have believed him but they didn't. And because of that, they all were filled with wounds that couldn't be fixed.

The five members arrived early at the ceremony, all dressed in Jungkooks favorite colour. They all sat down in front of the two caskets with sad smiles, its funny to them how jungkook was gone just because they didn't believe him. If they would've just went with him none of this would happen...

After a long time of crying and holding Jungkooks cold dead hand along with Taehyung by his side, the roommates all said there goodbyes and left the graveyard.
One of the members looked back with narrowed and determined eyes.

"don't worry jungkook... I will avenge you." they whispered.

To be continued (in another book)

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