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It's been days, possibly weeks since Jungkook had been trapped in his cell and stage along with Taehyung.

Today was the day though, after countless lines and babbles the two were finally left alone in their cell. Everyone had went out to celebrate for the one hundredth episode.

"Alright Tae... Are you ready to do this?" jungkook asked with that bunny smile of his that Taehyung grew to love.
"hell yeah I'm ready." the blonde answered. Jungkook had been sacrificing his hunger for taehyung. He thought that maybe if he got thin enough, he'll be able to slide right through the metal bars.
After much debate and celebration jungkook slid his arm through, then his body, soon hie had gotten half of his body in. But when it was time to push his Head through... Jungkook was stuck.

The boy grunted and tried to move his head without hurting it, but his coconut head just wouldn't budge!

"taehyung- hyung we have a problem! I can't move my head through the bars!" jungkook announced resulting in a groan from the older male.

"okay okay wait lemme see if I can bend the bars a little bit.." he muttered. Taehyung gripped one side of the bar and began to use all of his strength pressing and grunting until finally the bar bent wide enough to let jungkooks head through.

Cheering with joy kook got his Body out. It was a good thing jungkook knew hot to pick locks, for he saw the guards take the key with them so if they didn't know they would be screwed.

Carefully and skilfully jungkook got through the cell lock, quietly pushing it open for taehyung. The two boys jumped around and celebrated before they heard the sound of footprints. Without much noise taehyung grabbed kooks arm and ran out from the room.

Not long after the two boys could hear the sound of the guard calling the others, now they have been caught. They had to make it out of here without being caught... Taehyung knew what happens if they were captured but decided to keep quiet just for jungkooks sake.

Taehyung and jungkook hid in one of the closets when they heard the sounds of rushing feet and the clicking of guns. As soon as the first click of the gun was heard jungkook began to cry and panic.
This was it. He was going to die in the closet with someone he loved more then just an actor or any friend.
Could things be any worse?
Things got worse. To sum it up, Tae hyung and jungkook had to fight the guards now, being weak and skinny jungkook couldn't do much but dodge punches and make sure taehyung wasn't hurt.
Finally when the last two guards were still standing, Taehyung guarded jungkook with his body, refusing to move out of the way. "t-taehyung... Hyung... A-stop they're going to shoot you!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"the boys right, either give up or die." the man said getting ready to shoot.
Taehyung looked back at jungkook and sighs, gripping the youngers hand. "run." taehyung whispers, and at that moment he threw the dagger he had grabbed earlier at the man.

The taller male was ready though, dodging the knife and shooting off his gun. Jungkooks eyes went wide and did the only thing he could do, he flipped taehyung over and shielded Tae with his body.

Jungkook gasped as the bullet entered his back, his legs giving out causing him to fall ontop of taehyung.
Taehyung gasped his gray eyes growing wide as he watched jungkook fall. "no! No no no jungkook!" he shouted getting ontop of the bleeding boy.
Kool rolled his head to look up at taehyung, smiling. "t-tae..." he whispered hoarsely. "you have to go..." he whispered again. Taehyung shook his head holding the brunette close. He felt rage boil up inside of him. Taehyung picked jungkook up and bolted from the two guards, he felt bullets fly past him as his long legs carried him out.

He saw the light in the distance, closer and closer... Yet it all was for nothing. Taehyung suddenly froze as two, three, five bullets zoomed into his shoulder blades and back. Taehyung leaped forward and fell to the ground. Bleeding dangerously, look grunted softly crawling close to taehyung holding his hand as tight as he could.

"Tae... Tae I love you so much.." he whispers weakly kissing taehyung lips. So this was it? This was how jungkook was going to die? Beside his love bleeding out on the concrete floor?

"don't cry Tae... I told you we'd be free... We'll be free forever without any one to harm us anymore..." jungkook smiled weakly reading on taehyungs shoulder.

While jungkook did that Tae couldn't help but smile. Jungkook was right... He was finally free, he reached up into the light and let out his final last words.
" I love you... Jeon jungkook.. Thank you for helping me..." and with that Kim taehyung let his eyes roll back and his breath finally fade away.

this was always going to be a short story nothing too big but enough to fill someone with grief. I hope you all enjoyed that, I will post some chapters of the roommates finding jungkook and shit cops and stuff. But they are for sure dead. Proper dead.
Okay, love you bye bye!

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