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Heya author here! Just gonna say there is gonna be a lot of chapter spams today! I got a laptop so typing will be very easy. Anyways, enjoy!
It was a new day and Jungkook surprisingly was the first one up. Instead if getting revenge on the others for waking him up, Jungkook decided to do a little investigation.

The male packed his shit and grabbed Jin's car keys. The oldest would not mind anyways, at least that's how Kook was thinking. After getting everything together Jungkook zoomed out of the house and into the car.

"Okay Kook... Investigate the place... See how to get in, and get out. Simple as that right?" Jungkook nodded his head and began to drive, he typed in the coordinates and followed the long directions. It was a good thing Taehyung and the tv show was still broadcasted in Korea, otherwise Jungkook would have zero idea on how to get there for he didn't have enough money for a plane ticket. 

It was a long trip indeed but it was all worth it in the end. Jungkook slowly parked afar so he wouldn't be noticed as much when he goes in. The boy slowly got out of his car with his bag of items looking at the dead looking parking lot. The lot only had one van, a white one to be exact. If there was one thing Kook knew about white vans is that someone is kidnapping either children or... Jungkook shook that detail out of his head. He checked for any signs of people walking around, seeing none Kook started to run towards the building. 

Once Jungkook reached his destination he began to look around. Twenty minutes of looking around and Jungkook had found four doors, a latter leading to the roof, and some windows that could be easily opened. This was easier then Jungkook thought! not a single guard and everything was opened for his free will to go into! maybe he didn't need to wait till tomorrow to save Taehyung. 

Without much thought Kook decided to go through a door that seemed to be leading to a dark hallway judging from the door window. He slowly opened the heavy door and peered around the entrance. "Damn It's so dark..." Jungkook whispered to himself. The only source of light Jungkook seemed to have was a small torch (or however they say it in America).

Sighing soft Jungkook began taking small and short steps down the hall. the further down he went the more dark it got in that hallway. Jungkook felt around the wall for any source of light but to no avail. Suddenly Jungkook could hear foot steps, they got closer, louder almost as if they were... right... behind him...

Jungkook gulped, its just his imagination right? possibly nothing could be following him- 

"You lost, boy?" A gruff voice asked filling the dark empty space, resulting in Jungkook nearly jumping five feet in the air. Slowly Kook turned around, greeted by a tall man that just so happened to have a torch with him. Now Jungkook was scared, he wasn't even supposed to be here! He had no idea what this mans intention was to do with him! Without hesitation Jungkook bolted from the man breathing heavily while tears threatened to prick his wide brown eyes.

Jungkook could hear the mans heavy grunting and footsteps trailing behind Jungkook. Just when Jungkook saw a small light leading to a white door, Kook felt a pang to his head and his vision get blurry. Soon the boy slowly fell down to the ground watching as everything went pitch black.

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