13. She's back

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   Life had retained some normalcy after about a week, we had started working with the Wakandans and built somewhat of a relationship with them

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Life had retained some normalcy after about a week, we had started working with the Wakandans and built somewhat of a relationship with them. They wanted compensation for the kidnapping of the prince and we wanted her put down for fear she would cause death to the world so it made our relationship with them easier. T'Challa and I were as thick as thieves given the month with spent we spent with one another in captivity.

Amara hadn't made another move that we know of yet. Which didn't make me feel better, "She's back," I heard my mother scream, I spoke too soon, I stood rushing out my mother rushed frantically around holding the box that held the stone in it in horror. "She took the stone," my eyes widened how had she gotten in and out without us knowing?

"How did she get in?" Kazi asked the question as if reading my mind. My father held my mother's wrist as she freaked out

"We think last night when we were sleeping, we cannot be sure though," He replied I thought of the night, how silent it was, no animal chirped no wind howled. It was completely silent.

"We have to find her," Hadaya spoke I nodded in agreement but then I frowned

"But we wouldn't be able to take her down without the other totems," I spoke horror crossed my parents' faces as they looked at Kya and Makalo. I didn't want my 15 and 14-year-old siblings in the way of a fight that could end in all of our deaths. "They can't," I spoke quickly my parent's mirrored my worried looks as we stared at the 2 children who played out in the yard with the goats. "We can't put them in harm's way, not when they aren't ready," I argued my voice barely above a whisper.

"Kya has 2 years left in her training Makalo has 3," my brother spoke

"They have barely even touched their totems power, we can't put them on the battlefield without even a basic knowledge of their totems," I argued some more my mother's frown deepened as she stared at the youngest of our family "This is the same girl that held me captive for over a month and lets not forget what happened the last time the death totem was awoken. We can't put them out in harm's way like that," I said

"We have no choice, Ayana," Kazi's voice raised considerably from the quiet whisper it had been before

"There is always a choice," I yelled, the room went quiet Makalo and Kya turned to look at us confusion written over their face. I sent them a tense smile but they didn't relax at that. I looked at my siblings and to my parents before sighing turning on my heel quickly and exiting our small home. I heard my siblings calling my name but I kept forward.

   I returned to see my siblings dressed in their battle ware

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I returned to see my siblings dressed in their battle ware. I raised my eyebrows "What happened?" My mother sighed

"Amara was spotted outside the town borders," My mother spoke I frowned she handed me mine and I sighed taking it and moving to change quickly. We headed to the outskirts of the city. Amara stood with a smirk. Her pink hair fell over her shoulders, her black suit contrasting vastly from her skin. The bottom of her top bellowing from behind her. But it wasn't the black suit that brought attention to her it was the glowing onyx stone that sat above her breasts.

"Missed me?" She asked arrogantly a small smile building on her lips.

"You have the stone why did you come?" I asked

"Because I want nothing more but to see Zoya burn," She said

"It seems you have the wrong totem for that," I taunted she rolled her neck looking at the men behind her, the advanced as if on cue. These men approaching us left and I right. I growled grabbing on guys arm twisting it behind his back punching him in the face and kicking a guy in front of me. I pressed my hand on my totem embracing the gorilla spirit. I let out a war cry knocking men down. I grabbed one by the throat kneeing him in the stomach. He fell to his knees. I swung my fists catching his cheek he slumped and I turned to do a roundhouse kick kicking someone else. I saw Amara's arrogant smirk drop when we started to lower her numbers. I heard war calls that drew my attention to see Wakandan's joining th fight.

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