02x06- Shazam & ComicCons

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Wyatt's P.o.V.
- So you're still studying?- Jae asks
I look at him, a little annoyed.
- Yeah. This test is really hard
- I see... you need some help?
- I need peace and silence
- Rude
- Sorry but I really...
- I get it- he turns around and leaves
I call Jack
- Wyatt? Why are you calling me? It's six in the morning
- It is?
- Yeah
- Sorry, I spent all night studying and I really don't even know what time it is.
- Ugh, you two are gonna kill yourselves studying so hard. What do you need, Noodles?
- Jae and I are constantly fighting and I think it's my fault
- You THINK it is your fault?
- I know it is
- Well let's see. Jaeden should understand the fact that you're studying because you wanna go to school, which I think is lame, but okay. On the other hand, you should understand that he's used to spending all his time with you and now, you're barely talking
We don't really talk at all. We just fight
- You going to school doesn't mean you have to push Jaeden away. He can help you. He's a really smart guy- Jack keeps talking
- How's Finn?
- Studying really hard. I'm home tho. I gave him some time alone
- Oh...
- But Jae can't do that, because he lives with you. Remember?
- Yeah...
- Why don't you ask Finn if you can stay there to study together? I'll stay with Jae to look for auditions
- I don't know, Jack. The guy barely knows me
- I'll make it happen. Just wait
- But Jack...- he's gone.

Jack's P.o.V.

"Hey Finnlard"
"U studyin?"
"The SDCC is today. Wanna join me?"
"I can't"
"Oh c'mon"
"There's way too many ppl anyways. I can't go around just like that"
"We'll wear costumes. No one will know"
"I have to study"
"It's recess time"
"Y r u up so early?"
"Wyatt called me. I got u a study partner"
"Yep. U okey with that?"
"K come home in two hrs and we'll go look for good costumes"
"Um Jack? I don't know where u live"
"Right... I'm sure Nick, Mary and Eric know. Ask them"
"Oh yeh"

Finn rings my doorbell exactly two hours later.
- Finnie!
- This Comic Con thing better be good, Jack.
- It will be. We just have to find our costumes
- How are we going to do that?
We search in amazon for nearly half an hour, until we both finally find the right ones.
Finn'll be V from V4Vendetta and I'll be SpiderMan
- You shouldn't wear that costume, butthead
- Why not? U love Spidey!
- Well now I'm team DC
- You are?
- I'm actually team WHEREVER YOU ARE
I smile at him
- That's cute. I'm still Team Marvel tho
- Hah. You're such a traitor
- Shazam's gonna be so good tho. The trailer's gonna be shown tomorrow. You're coming to see my panel. Right?
- Of course. I'm also gonna get your autograph
- You're such a dork
- I didn't remember you have a panel.
- Yeah...
- We're not spending too much time together then
- Oh, It's actually tomorrow
- Oh...
- You're still coming. Right?
- I don't think so, Jack. Sorry but I REALLY have to study
- Oh, yeah. Right...
- I'm sorry, Jacky- he hugs me from behind- I really think this is the right thing to do
- It is. It certainly is. I just... wish you were coming
- I'll try to
- No, stay home. This school is really important to you, so it's important to me too. Besides, it's just a panel, so no biggie. Just make sure you get in
- Are you sure you'll be okay?
- Of course
- Okey then. Let's enjoy our day together
- Let's go, Bubba
Eric W. take us to San Diego and we get in as VIP's, but wearing our costumes
The day's a complete success. No one even realizes who we are, and we get to spend the whole day together. We buy a couple of things, and take lots of pics- with and without our masks on-.
- Are you sure we can't sit down and eat something?- he asks
- Too risky, Finnie. You can't eat with your mask on, and without it, everyone will know who you are
- We're not THAT famous.
- Oh, we actually are.
- We are?
- Yeah. With Paparazzis being around us all the time and everything. IT and all this Fack thing really put us on the spotlight
- Ugh, that's annoying
- I know...
- Thanks fuck they haven't figure out where I live
- Yeah... that'd be a disaster
We finally decide to try to fight our hanger and not to eat. At least we try...
A bit later, Finn sits down and sighs
- I can't do it anymore. I need food
- Yeah... me too. My tummy needs to be fed
He laughs
- Your tummy?
- Yeah
- You're adorable
- I know, Finnlard
- How do you come up with all those nicknames for me?
- It's a talent I have
He laughs again
- Let's take the risk then, let's eat
- Okay
We walk to a food truck called "Avenge The Hamburgers"
- I want a Hulk- he says
- Hulk? No way. It has onions
- Yeah...
- I'm ordering a Doctor Strange
- Cheddar, Bacon Hamburger huh?
- Yep
- Cool. Let's get in line then
The place is all full, so it has to be good
We wait about half an hour until we finally get to order
- Oh, we're out of Hulks, sorry. We can offer you a SpiderMan, which is pretty similar but has no onions
- Oh, okay
- A Spidey and a Doc Strange then?
- Yeah
- Right away
Lucky us, nobody recognized us.
- Oh, Finn?
- Yeah?- he says, with his mouth full of food
- Do you mind if Wyatt moves in with you?
- Moves in? With me?
- Yeah... you know. To study and stuff
- Oh...
- Wy and Jae are kinda fighting lately, and if they keep living together now, I'm sure they're gonna break up
- Why?
- Cause Wyatt's being an annoying bitch because he has to study and hasn't been spending time with him or even talking.
- I... haven't been spending too much time with you either
- Are you kidding? I helped you study, we're here now, and we talk all the time... they are barely talking, and every time they do, they fight.
- That sucks
- Yeah. Besides, I was thinking about spending more time with Jae. Just to look for auditions and stuff.
- Why does it sound like we're swingers?
- Swingers?- I laugh- We've never had sex, Finnie. We can't be swingers
- You know what I mean. Exchanging couples
- So are we... a couple?- I ask
- I don't know. Are we?
- I wouldn't know. It's kinda your decision
- It's our decision, Jack. We have to make it together.
- Okay, sorry. You're right. Here's the deal. I love you and I'd love to be your baby boy, but I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to rush things. So if you don't mind being a couple, let's do it; but if you do mind, let's stay this way.
- Okay...
- Okay?
- Let's do it. Let's try dating
- Fack's back, then?
- Fack's back
Finn smiles at me
- Was it this simple the first time?
- Well... we actually started dating pretty fast, but no one knew we were gay and we had to hide from everyone and let our families know we're together... also we had lots of little fights because of our schedules
- Did we?
- Yeah, kinda
- Is it a good idea to start dating right now? I mean, we're about to start living with other guys, and...
- You think you're gonna like Wy that way?
- No, no! That's not what I mean... We're gonna be away from each other and maybe we should wait until I stop studying so much, and Wyatt moves back to his house, and you start spending more time with me again...
- You having second thoughts?
- About you? Not at all.
- I was talking about Fack
- I just want this to be perfect, Shrimp.
- Those little fights that we get through are what makes our relationship better. It shows how good we actually are.
- Fack's always here. You know? Maybe you were right and we should just take this slow
I look away, and he kisses me on the lips
- Or maybe not?- he whispers
- I don't know Finnie-boo. Nothing's perfect. The fact that we get through those fights are the proof of our love. Like, yeah. I'm an actor, so I might be away sometimes, and you'll be studying, so you won't come with me. Maybe we should start getting used to being away from each other. Or maybe not. It's your decision... I think if someone can do this, it's us. But I'm not sure if you even wanna go through this.
- I like you. A lot. And maybe you're right, this is like our chance to see if we're "fight proof"
- Is that even a thing?
- Not sure. My point is...
- Hey, I got it- I interrupt- We try and see.
- Exactly
- Okay, then. Let's try this out.
I'm about to kiss him when he stands up, and puts his mask back on
- Let's go, Spidey. We shouldn't be seen kissing in public. We shouldn't even be seen together in public.
I hold his hand and stand back up.
- Let's go, skinny legend
I kiss his mask's cheek and put my Spider Man mask back on
- You know? I had an amazing day...
- Me too, Bubba.
- Thanks for making me come
- No biggie. I would've got bored on my own.
- Hey, Jack?
- Yeah?
- I think I'm in love with you
- You are?
He just nods, making me smile.
- Well... I'm in love with you too

Still In Love With You/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 2) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now