2x13- BreakUps & Homophobics

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I'm back guys!! Exactly one month break...
Happy Thanksgiving! Love you all

Wyatt's P.o.V.
- Jae, we need to talk...
- Hell yeah, we do. You haven't talked to me in ages
- Yeah. About that...
- I know. You were busy with the test, and then you were mad because I was being annoying... and I'm sorry
- You're sorry?- I whisper- God.
He kisses me on the lips
- I missed you
- Jae, you don't understand
The door gets opened, and Jack gets in with Noah and Sadie
- Wyatt!? I didn't know you were coming
- Yeah... it was kind of a last minute decision.
- Is Finn with ya?
- Finn? No, no. I'm... alone. Why?
- You two are living together so I thought...
- I'm alone- he interrupts me
- Let's party!- Noah screams
- Party? No, no. I can't stay long. Jae? A word?
- Sure
We get away from the rest, and I finally talk
- We need to break up
- What?
- I just can't deal with you right now
- YOU can't deal with me? Do you have any idea of how worried I was? For months, I kept asking myself what I did wrong; why you hated me all of a sudden
- Hate you? Woah, Jae. I don't... I can't hate you.
- What's all this about, Wyatt? Talk
- This is about me
- Is there other guy? Or maybe a girl? You never said you were not bisexual. Are you?
- No, what? No. I'm...
- Who is it?
- Why do you think there's someone else!?- I scream
Suddenly, they're all looking at us; at me.
- You just stopped talking to me. I tried to be the best boyfriend I could, but it wasn't enough. You just decided to take me out of your life. So what happened?
- Guys...?- Jack whispers- What's going on?
- Who the fuck is it, Wyatt? And are you just in love with him, or you already cheated on me?
- I would never cheat on you
- So that's why you're doing this- he fakes a smile- Well now you're free to fuck whoever you want
- Wyatt? What did you just do? What is happening?
Noah and Sadie get closer to us and hold Jaeden, who's barely standing, and crying desperately
- He... he broke up with me

Jack's P.o.V.
- You did what?- I ask Wyatt
- You, of all people...?- He stops talking for a little, and then continues- You told me to come here
- You did?- Jae asks
Oh my God. Is this my fault? I did tell him to come...
- Kinda...
- So it's your fault?
- No! Not at all. He wanted to break up with you through the phone! I told him to stop being a pussy and have the dignity to at least say it to your face
- Oh...
- And you- I push Wyatt- Why are you trying to blame me for your shit?
- You knew- Jaeden whispers
- What?- I ask
- You knew he was gonna break up with me
- Kinda
- Kinda? Did you know or not?
- I did- I look down, and bite my lip
- How?
- Wyatt called that night you got drunk...
- He called you just to tell you he was gonna break up with me?
- No, not exactly
- So what happened?
- He called you
- Shit. Noah never called, right? You lied to me
- I did... but listen, I was just trying to protect you, Jae. This dick hadn't called in weeks and he suddenly wanted to talk? It all seemed a little bit weird. Besides...
- That was not your decision to make, Jack
- I know, but you were really drunk, and...
- You shouldn't have done that.
- I'm really sorry, Jae. I...
- It's okay.
- You're not mad at me?
- Oh, I am. But I get it. Wyatt is an asshole.
- Hey!- he frowns
- Don't even try to deny it.
- Okay...- he whispers
- So are you gonna tell me who's the new guy?- Jae asks
- There's a new guy?- I ask
- Obviously
- Wy?
- There's...
- So you also lied to me. You told me you just stopped feeling things for him. You never mentioned a new guy
- I couldn't...
- Why?
- Can we all calm down now?- Noah tries to separate us three
- SHUT UP!- we scream
- Okay...
- Um... I think we should leave, Schnipper
- So? Why couldn't you tell me about your new guy?
- It's not my new guy! We're not dating! I just... like him
- Who is it?- Jae asks
- Noah?- Sadie insists
- I...
- WHO IS IT, WYATT?- I scream
- It's Finn
- W-- what?
- I like Finn
- Noah? Sads?- I say, calmly- I would recommend you to leave right now
- Jack...
- Go
- Actually... I should leave too- Wyatt gets closer to the door but I just stop him and punch him on the face
- WHAT THE...- Noah screams
- Guys? Leave.
Sadie grabs him by his jacket and they finally leave. Jaeden's still standing there, quiet. He hasn't spoken since Wyatt's announcement
- See? I knew I couldn't tell you
- Why would you even like him? You're my friend...
- Do you think I choose to feel this way? I just do, Jack. I'm not doing it on purpose
- You're messed up, Wyatt. You failed us.
Jaeden just walks away and leaves my house
- Fuck.
Wyatt, still on the floor, just starts crying
- Shit. Why? Why did you make me tell you?
- I never thought it was gonna be Finn!
- So you don't care about Jae. The big problem here's Finn. It's always Finn. You always cared more about him than your friends
- I hadn't seen Finn for months; I had the chance to go on a date with him a few days ago. He had all this... amazing thing planned, and believe me, it was perfect. In fact, it was all I wanted. I'd been waiting for it, but I left it all. I left it all as soon as I heard Jae was missing. So maybe I do care a lot about Finn, cause fuck, I love him; but don't you ever say I care more about him than I care about Jae, cause it's not true.
I open the door and run after Jaeden
- Jae!- I catch him up and just hug him
- How can everything go so wrong?- he's not crying anymore, but still kinda looks in shock
- Are you kidding? We got our movie roles! And we're roomies!
He smiles at me
- I loved him, Jack...
- I know, sweetie.
I hug him again, just to let him know he has a shoulder to cry on
- Jack? I think your phone is vibrating
- Oh... sorry, yeah. It's Noah
I pick up
- What?
- Sorry, I know it's not the best moment to call, but maybe you should take instagram
- Why? What's going on?
- Talia
- Fuck, thanks N.
- No prob, bud.
I hurry to open instagram, just to find thousands of comments calling me HOMOPHOBIC?!
- This is ridiculous
- What?
- Talia went live and uploaded some made up dms to make me look like an homophobic shit.
- She makes no sense. Does she know you're gay?
- I guess not?
- She's sick
- Let's go home. I have to go live
- Okay
As soon as we got to our place, I open instagram again and go live
- Hey fellas... my good friend Noah just told me this girl Talia has been saying some awful things about me... well, I'm sure most of you know she's lying. But in case you don't, I'm about to give you a couple reasons to realize she's a a liar. First of all, I'm gay. Like, fully gay. I'm dating someone right now, and he's a boy, so yeah. Also, I dated Finn Wolfhard for more than a year. Second of all, I have spoken both in public and private, to express I'm an active LGBTQ Community supporter. I even went to the last three marches. Third reason... last time Talia said something about me, I immediately went live to tell everybody it was true, and I was truly sorry. This time, that's not gonna happen, cause she's lying
Jaeden walks to me and smiles to the camera
- He's really gay, people. There's no way he's homophobic
- Shut up, dummy!
He starts laughing and runs away
- Okay guys, love you all. I gotta go. I'm truly not in the mood to keep talking about this girl. She wants fame, and she's trying to get it somehow. I'm pretty tired of all this bullshit. Seriously. Like... I'm living my dream here, and these are side effects, I'm totally fine with it, but I'm getting tired. I just wanted to let you guys know Talia's not telling the truth. She's a fake. However, that's all I'm gonna say. I'm pretty busy right now. One of my friends betrayed me, and I don't feel so good. I gotta go and cheer my best friend up. Bye bye peeps, love you
I sit on the couch with Jae and caress his hair while watching a horror movie
- Jack?
- Yeah?
- Twitter's going nuts
- What about?
He shows me his screen. The Trending Topics.
#1 is #TaliaIsOverParty
- Every possibility she had of becoming famous is now ruined. Everyone knows she's a liar.
- Lucky you have those fans
- Yeah... lucky they know I'm telling the truth
- Of course they do...
- I'm-- I'm really sorry, Jae
- Hey, don't worry.
- Are we okay?
- Yeah... you did what you thought was right.
- I did, yeah. I just...
- Just don't make it again. Ever.- Jae interrupts
- I won't. I promise
- Hope your promises are as good as your friendship
- Awe
- So are you gonna tell Finn?
- About...?
- Wyatt
- Oh, actually... he called me like four hours ago, acting all mad because I didn't call him to tell him the news
- Why didn't you?
- I don't know... I just was so busy.
- It was just a call, or a text
- Should I call him?
- I don't know, I think so. Don't you?
- Nah, not now.
As much as I miss Finn, this is Jaeden's night. He's been through enough for a day, I'm not gonna leave him here alone to go see Finn...
Besides, We spent like a month apart, one more day's not gonna make a different. Right?

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