2x19- Hollywood & SlowDances

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Finn's P.o.V.
- What do we do now?- I whisper in Jack's ear
- We take thousands of pics walking in the red carpet, and then we go and make some interviews for the people, and we go into the venue and watch the movie.
- Do I have to be honest in my interviews?
- Just when you wanna be
- Okay
- We can make the interviews together, if you want...
- Oh, please
- Great. Follow me. Jae, let's go- he grabs his arm, and take him with us
- What's going on?
- You're doing the interviews together, so you don't have to do it with Wyatt
- Oh, thanks
Jack stares at the rest, while they move on to the interviewers, and we walk to the ones none of the rest are close to
- Hey!- he says
- Jack, Jaeden and Finn, everybody. How are you guys?
- We're great- Jaeden replies
- Having a wonderful time
- Finn. This is practically your comeback. We hadn't seen you since the accident. What are you up to now?
- Oh, I wouldn't call it a comeback- I smile- I'd call it an ending, or maybe a goodbye. This is the last movie I've done, so is my last red carpet.
- You won't act anymore?
- No, I won't. I'm focused in school now. I'm a Junior so right now I should be studying for the SATs
- Had you seen any of the Losers since your accident?
- Would you please stop talking about his accident?- Jack fakes a smile- It's a delicate topic.
- Okay. Jaeden. How's Wyatt?
-He's... over there. You can ask him yourself. Can we move on?- he asks
Jack leaves the interviewer alone, and we follow him
- That guy was an asshole!- he says
We stop in front of another interviewer
- So do you think people's ready to see the new IT?
- Finally a good question! No. They're not. I think is way darker than the first part, and they're definitely not ready
- I'm personally really pumped up about people seeing this.- Jae answers
- Yeah, me too!- Finn says
- Yeah, there are some really good Pennywise scenes. He's really scary. Bill was even better than last time. He got creepier
- So what's next for you guys?
- I'm going back to school
- I'm working on a new movie with Jack and Asher
- Besides this new movie with Jae, I have the premiere of a movie I did with Timothee next week, and then... I don't know.
- Alright, future's looking bright guys
- It certainly is
- Good luck
Once we get inside the venue, I sit next to Noah and Sadie, while Jack sits with Asher and Jaeden
- So? Did you talk to Jack?
- I did, but I didn't tell him yet
- What are you waiting for?
- There wasn't enough time, I had to fix Jaeden
- Fix him?- Sadie asks
- Yeah, he's pretty much broken because of Wyatt
- Awe, poor Jae
- I know...
- So how's Jack?
- There's an afterparty. Are you two coming?
- Sure- they nod
- Cool. You'll see him there then

Jack's P.o.V.
After the amazing, fabulous, scary second part of IT, we all leave for the party
Jae, Asher, Noah, Sadie, Finn and I get in a limo that take us to the party venue
- So how are you, Dylan?- Sadie asks, jokingly
- I'm perfect. How are you, Annie?
- I'm amazing
- Amazingly scared- Noah corrects her
- Excuse me? I think I've seen you jump way many times on scary movies than I've ever
- Right, yeah. Most horror movies terrify me
- You're right!- I scream- Noah's always afraid. I remember we went to the movies once, on a double date, and he was nearly dying! He closed his eyes in a lot of scenes
- Right? He's such a scaredy cat
I see Finn looking down, cause he probably doesn't remember a thing about our double date. I take his hand and smile at him. He smiles back, and as soon as I realize what I'm doing, I take my hand away
Asher looks at me and frowns
- Are you two back?- he asks
- No- I say- We're not
- We'd all love it tho- Noah smiles and winks at me
I blush, and Jaeden hugs me
- Maybe it's time to move on, tho. Right?
- You never know- I fake a smile at him, and whisper to his ear- Don't worry. We're just friends
He shrugs, and we're soon arriving at the new venue
- This is huge!- Finn says- How many people was invited? I thought it was VIP
- You still have problems with crowded spaces?- I ask him
- Pretty much
- We're gonna be on the VIP. We're not gonna be with the crowd. We can tho, if we want to
- Okay, cool. We don't want to. Right?
- Don't we?- Asher asks- Peyton's gonna be there. Joshua too
- We can stay on the VIP if you want- I shrug- It's no biggie
- I'm probably staying VIP- Jae nods
- Not us- Sadie says- a friend of us was invited, and he's not on the VIP section, so we'll be going down and up all the time
- Which friend?- I ask
- Millie
- You're still seeing Millie Bobby Brown?- Finn asks- I thought you were mad at her
- We were, but... I don't know. It just happened- Noah says- We're starting to be friends again
- You're not angry. Are you?
- Oh, no. That's fine. She's your friend, not mine. We don't have to share all our friends. It's totally okay.
- Right- Noah fakes a smile, and everything feels weird for a minute.
We go down the limo, and into the venue.
Sophia and the rest are already here
- Our guests are not considered VIP- Chosen says- They have to stay with the rest of the people
I look at Asher and fake a smile
- Sorry Ash
- oh, it's okay. Don't worry
- I'll make it up to you
- Tomorrow night?
- Maybe
He winks at me and I leave with Finn, Jae and the rest
- I think Asher's starting to like me again.
- He's the worst- Jae nods- I think he never stopped liking you
- He liked you!?- Finn barely screams
- Oh, yeah. I think I never told you. Yeah, he did... he kissed me once
- While we were together?
- Yep
- Maybe that's why I was jealous- he whispers, but I hear him
- Jae? Can we talk for a sec?
- Yeah.
- Alone
- Oh, sure.
We leave the rest, and I soon start talking
- I think Finn wants us to come back together
- So? You obviously want him back
- Yeah, but maybe he's right. About right now not being the best time to be together
- You said it yourself, JackJack. If someone can do it is you two
- You're right. Thanks Jae
- I do think maybe we should move on tho. But Finn may be the one for you, even if Wyatt's not the one for me
- I really think he is
- Go for it, then.
- Yeah, I might
I walk right to Finn
- Hey, can we...?
I interrupt him with a soft kiss on the lips
- I love you, Finn Wolfhard. And I don't care if you think we're not meant to be together, cause I think we're just perfect for each other, and I'm gonna fight for us...
- Jack?- he whispers, still close to me
- And if you can't be with me right now, I'm gonna wait for you, but please don't break Fack up.
- I...
- I can't stand thinking about you dating any other guy, or girl. I said it a thousand times, but I love you. And destiny's a bitch, so I'm not letting it decide for us
- Jack!- he hushes me- Can I speak now?
- Yeah, sorry
- I think waiting is useless. I may miss you a lot, but I never stopped loving you, so as a couple or not, I missed you anyway. I've never cheated on you, and would never do it, and I trust you enough to know you'd never do that either. So if we're a couple, I know by fact that we're not gonna be seeing anyone else. On the other hand, if we're not a couple...
- I wouldn't even know if you're dating anyone else, but I'd die to know. And you'd find out about every single boy I date, because of the paparazzis
- Exactly. So I think being a couple's the best option after all
- When we first started dating, we settled in some dates to meet. We could do the same
- Did it work?
- Not at all. But we're more mature now, I think. So we can try
- I really have to study for the SAT's tho
- I'll go meet you and help you study every Saturday
- Seriously?
- Yeah. We never shoot on Saturdays, cause John has to go back home to his wife Emily
- Emily Blunt?
- Exactly
- Have you met her yet?
- No, next month.
- I heard she's lovely
- She's gorgeous! And also, the new Mary Poppins
- Yeah... true. She outdid that role! I still can't believe she wasn't nominated on the Oscars
- Me either! The Academy sucks.
- Sometimes, yeah... I'd still love to win an Oscar tho
- Same...
He laughs, and holds my hand
- So are we back?
- We're back
A slow song starts playing, and he stands up
- Can I have this dance?
- You can- I smile at him and follow him to the dance floor

Jaeden's P.o.V.
I sit on the bar, and Wyatt sits by my side
- Hey, I know you're ignoring me but...
- I'm ignoring you?- I interrupt him- Do I have to remember you, you were the one who stopped talking to me and then just decided to dump me?
- You know I don't hate you or anything right?
- You got to the Premiere venue, saw me, and left. I think you pretty much do hate me
- Jae, I...
- Save it, Wyatt.
I try to leave, but he grabs me by my arm
- You have to listen to me! You can't just runaway
- What? What do you have to say, Wy?
- I was acting like an asshole, and...
- Wow, we agree for once
- Just shut up, please. God. We used to be perfect. Remember?
- Of course I do.
- What happened?
- You ruined it
- The only reason I broke up with you is because I don't deserve you
- What?
- My head was a mess. I thought I liked Finn... You don't deserve that shit. Geez, I drove you right into alcoholism.
- Don't overreact, Wyatt. I'm not an alcoholic. And about what I deserve and don't deserve... that isn't your decision to take. You can't just decide what I deserve and stop deserving. I fucking loved you, Wy. I thought we were gonna last forever.
- Jae, I'm...
- It was stupid. We're just sixteen years old. I can't believe I thought we could last that long.
- You're a fucking angel, Jaeden. I'm garbage.
- You may be, but for me, you were perfect. But apparently I don't have a say here.
- I'm sorry- Wyatt finally says
- Me too.
I grab my drink, and take it back to the VIP, where Jack and Finn are waiting for me, dancing.

Still In Love With You/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 2) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now