2x15- Interviews & Brothers

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JACK's P.o.V.
I walk along with Jaeden through the airport's doors, which get open to show us all the paparazzis waiting inside.
- It's showtime- I whisper
- Please don't stay long, Jack
- I won't. Please don't leave too fast, J
- I won't, ten minutes tops.
- Not less than five minutes tho
- Whatever
- U ready?
- I was born ready
- Good one
We walk inside, and smile to all the press waiting for us
- On your last live, you said one of your closest friends let you down. Who were you talking about?
- I really can't say. That thing I said, it was a mistake
- So he didn't let you down?
- Never said it was a he, tho
- Is it a she?
- I don't wanna talk about it. That's it, let's say my friend's an IT; not a she, or a he. An IT.
- Okay...- the interviewer nods, confused as hell
- "IT" let me down, big time. But I just said it on the livestream because I was completely mad and my best friend was really sad about it, and I hate to see my friends sad. You know?
- Is it Wyatt Oleff?
- I don't wanna talk about it- I say, one more time, before moving on
- Hi, Jack.
- Hi- I answer, with a smile
- What happened with Finn?
- Nothing. We're friends
- No, I meant... with him. We never actually found out what happened to him at the MTV Awards
- Oh, I tried to talk about it once but people started attacking me, so I prefer staying silent about that; but everything's fine already. Finn's okay.
- Why did he decide to leave all social media and...?
- He didn't leave, I think he just threw all the toxic part of his life away.
- Do you think his friends were toxic? We talked with Millie Bobby Brown about him and she said she hadn't talked to him in a while
- Those are answers only Finn can give you.
- But you're his best friend. Don't you know?
- I'm not his best friend... we are barely in contact
- Who is it then? His best friend...
- Wyatt
I move on
- Aren't you tired of all the drama?
- Absolutely
I move on
- IT Chapter 2 is coming out in about a week. Will all of you, Young Losers, assist the premiere?
- Oh, no. I don't know who's going, actually. Jae and I are moving out to start a new project so we won't be able to go. Anyways, we wish Andy the best. We love him, and all the cast, a lot
I move on
- Okay, one more question, guys
- Are you going to the Shazam premiere next year?
- I guess so, I don't know. Right now I'm just focused on the new movie I'm about to start filming
- Are Asher and you still in contact?
- Yeah, we talk every once in a while. He's actually part of this new project I was just telling you about, and I'm really looking forward to spending more time with him. He's great.

We get into the airport and disjoin to cover the interviewers faster
- So... have you been living with Jack? We've seen you both out together a lot lately.
- Oh, yeah. I was temporarily living with him to find new auditions to act together
- How's your relationship?
- With Jack?
- Yeah
- Oh, I love him. He's hilarious, and an amazing friend
- Talking about friends... have you seen Finn lately?
- Not really. I heard about him, but we haven't seen each other in a while. We're all really busy. It complicates everything
- What about Wyatt?
- What about him?
- Have you been seeing him lately?
- Um, I saw him a couple days ago, yeah.- I fake a smile, trying not to give too many details- He's okay. We're all about to start our new projects, new parts of our lives, new adventures, and it's scary, but also amazing. We're incredibly lucky to be doing what we love the most
- Is Wyatt about to start filming a new movie?
- No, he's not.
- So what is he doing?
- None of my business- I say. I start laughing, awkwardly, and bite my lip- I'm just kidding. That's not my question to answer... I don't know if Wyatt wants people to find out about this new path he's taking
I'm getting annoyed already, and Jack's still being interviewed
- Would you like Jack and Finn to come back to be a couple?
- No, not if they don't feel like it. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Fack and everything, but if they don't love each other that way, or just think they're better off as friends, I totally get it. I'm here to support my boy Jack at every decision he makes
MY BOY JACK? Wtf was that?
- So is he your best friend?
- Totally
- Are you his?
- I think so...
- Is Fack still dead?
- Six feet under- I nod- but again, not my question to answer. My friend Jack's down there, you can ask him if you want...
- Yesterday you changed your name on instagram. Why's that?
- Oh, yeah, thanks for noticing. I don't wanna be a Lieberher anymore, and apparently, as I'm still not emancipated, and I'm not legally old enough, I have to carry one of my parents' last names. So for now, I'm Jaeden Martell. I'm now using my mother's last name, but don't get used to it. As soon as I'm 18, or emancipated, I'll change it
- Why don't you wanna be a Lieberher?
- My father rejected me for my sexuality, and so I'm rejecting his last name.
- So it's kind of a revenge?
- No, not at all. I just don't feel good having his last name.
- Did you and Wyatt break up?
Jack gets on the way, and grabs me by my arm
- Um, sorry guys. He's done. Our flight leaves really soon
- Did you know Wyatt's here?- another interviewer asks, barely screams.
Wyatt's here? Yeah. Of course he is. Jack basically kicked him- Punched him, actually- out last night, and he has to go back to NYC... back to Finn.
Even think about it makes me sick.
- Are you okay?- he asks
- Promise me you'll always be here for me
- Of course, JaeJae. I promise.
- Thanks Jack, you're the best
- I know- he smiles, and holds my arm, tight
- Hey, um... I don't know if you're aware of this, but I really wanna talk about it with you first.
- What's up?
- Yesterday I had a talk with Jana, and... she says she wanted to legally adopt me
- Are you serious?
- Yeah...
- So? You want her to do it or not?
- I wanted to talk to you about it first
- Why?
- Cause I won't say yes if it bothers you
- Oh...
- Well, does it?
- I... I need some time to think about it
- Oh, ok...
- Jae! I'm just kidding! It'd be a pleasure to be your brother
- Seriously?
I hug him, and smile
- So... Jaeden Grazer?- he whispers
- Apparently- I bite my lip and smile
- Welcome to the fam, JJ

Jack's P.o.V.
So... this kinda crush I was starting to feel? It's not gonna work. I can't date my brother... that'd be so weird! Besides, I know him, and he's gonna try to make Jana proud. Dating me wouldn't make her feel proud.
But it's for the best. Jaeden's emancipation papers haven't been finished yet, and he's not gonna be able to stay with us much longer if we don't adopt him or something. Besides, he needs a family. He's the kinda person who likes to spend Sundays with his family, inside his house, and doing group activities.
I can't say no just because of a stupid crush. That'd be selfish, and I just care about him too much.
- Gate 1425- he says- we have to run. We can't miss the flight
- I know... let's go
We get to the gate and handle one of the flight assistants our passports and tickets
- Just in time- she smiles at us
- Fourth row, seats A and B
- Awesome, thanks
- Yeah, thank you...
- You're welcome sweeties
We sit down, and smile at each other
- Okay...
- Littleton, here we come

Still In Love With You/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 2) // DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang