2x14- Littleton & School

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Finn's P.o.V.
My phone starts ringing. It's the middle of the night, this can only be one person. I pick up, and smile
- Jack?
- Finn? No, it's Wyatt
- Wy? I've been worried sick about you.
- I can see that...
The Wyatt sarcasm. I had to get used to it, but I did, and now I think it's really funny
- Where are you?
- LA
- Why are you in-- Jaeden? Did you see Jack?
- I did... he actually punched me
- He...? What the fuck? Why would he do that?
- I broke up with Jae
- And what does Jack has to do with it?
- How am I supposed to know?
- He cares so much about him. It's starting to make me really jealous
- If I still had feelings for Jaeden, I would be jealous too...
- What do you need?
- Well... the hotels are all full and I'm running out of money with so many cabs I took
- Oh, wait up. I'm coming to get you
- What? No, no. That's not necessary
- It is... you're my friend and I wanna be there for you
- You do know LA's like 40 hours away from NYC, right?
- Oh, shit. You're right
- Of course I am
- So... Come home already dummy. Get in the first flight to New York and we can get ready for school together
- Oh, crap. School starts this Monday
- Yeah! Don't tell me you forgot
- I did... my head's somewhere else these days
- Your head's in LA with Jaeden
- Not exactly, but okay. I'll come back as soon as I can
- Cool. Text me when you land in NY. I'll make you some breakfast, or lunch, or whatever food you get here to.
- Awe, thanks Finn
- It's nothing. I'll... see ya
- See you, roomie.
I smile at my phone, and automatically turn it off. Maybe I was actually waiting for Wyatt to call, and not Jack. Maybe I was just not sleeping well because I was worried for Wy, and not asking myself why Jack hasn't called.
- Screw you, Jack- I whisper, before I finally go back to sleep

Wyatt's P.o.V.
I can't tell him Jack punched me because I'm in love with him. It's too much.
I just... had to lie. Maybe I shouldn't have. What if Fack fights because of me? What if they break up?
That wouldn't be so bad... with Jack out of the picture, maybe I'd have a chance
That's so selfish of me tho... I can't ruin all my friends' lives because I have feelings for Finn.
Besides, F loves Jack; I know he does. Making them fight might be a big mistake.
I definitely can't do that
I take an uber to LAX and after getting a ticket for the next morning. I spend the night there.

Jaeden's P.o.V.
Jack jumps into my bed, waking me up. His hair is all wet, and he's wearing a gray sweatshirt.
- What are you doing?- I scream, laughing
- We leave to Littleton in three hours. Get ready
- Ugh. What time is it?
- It's nine am
- And we're going to the airport in three hours?
- No, no. Our flight leaves in three hours. I overslept, you did too. I took a bath and woke you up.
- Can I take a bath?
- No, no time
- Are you kidding me? I need to take a shower
- You showered last night
- I know, I like being clean, thank you
- We can't be late, JaeJae. You can take a bath as soon as we get to Colorado
- Jack! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
- Cause I wanted to shower, obvs.
- You little shit!
- Hey! I didn't take a bath last night because of you. It's called payback.
- I hate you so much
- Just wear a beanie like you always do
- But...
- We won't wanna miss the plane. Right?
- Right...
- So get up already and get dressed
- Okay
- Oh, also... I'm sure there's gonna be paparazzis at the airport, so dress nicely
- So I'll have to face paparazzis all dirty?
- Calm down already. You took a bath last night, and you'll take one in the house. Just get over it
- Are we shooting the entire movie in Littleton?- I ask, trying to ignore Jack's comment
- No, we'll be traveling to Denver in a month, and then Indiana.
- Nice... so many places
- Right?
I get up and get my shirt off, when I notice Jack's staring at me
- What?- I blush, covering my shirtless body
- Can I choose your outfit?
- Why?
- It's our first time meeting the writer of the book our movie is based on
- So what?
- First impressions matter, honey
- And you think I can't pick my own outfit? Wait. You don't like my outfits?
- Of course I do! I love how you dress! Every single one of your outfits is fire, dawg.
- What the fudge just happened?
Jack starts laughing
- I'm just kidding Jae. I'm in a good mood.
- Good mood's not a good look on ya, DAWG
- Your outfits are fine, smartypants. Relax
- Smartypants?
- Yeah... you know. Those cute nerdy sweaters you like to use... they make you look smart
- Thanks?
- You're very welcome
He leaves his room, and I just laugh

JACK's P.o.V.
Nice, Jack. You saved it.
Not for much tho. He caught me staring... that can't be good. I can't keep doing it.
The outfit was a pretty good excuse and he bought it, for now. But Jae's not dumb. He won't take long to realize the outfit thing was a lie.
Who can blame me tho? I couldn't tell him the truth.
- I was just thinking how cute you look when you're sleepy
That sounds incredibly stupid
- Hey, Jack?- he yells from my bedroom
- Yeah?
- Have you talked to Finn?
- Not really. Why?
He opens the door
- Come in, dumbass
As soon as I do, he pushes me and makes me fall right into my bed
- You should call him- he whispers- I just broke up with Wyatt, and it's not something very nice...
- Oh, true. How are you dealing with that...?
- I'm pretty fine. I cried myself to sleep last night, but I'm fine now. I realized there're a lot of good things happening right now, and I can't let Wyatt ruin it for me. Besides, I can't say I'm surprised about our breakup... I mean, he ignored me for months
- Yeah...- I fake a smile and blush when I actually realize he's really close to me
What is wrong with me? Blushing because of Jaeden? That never happened before...
I still love Finn. Right? I mean, sure I do.
I gotta call him
- Thanks for the advice, bud
- Oh, it wasn't an advice. I was just... trying to make you realize the fact that your relationship with Finn's too special to let it waste just to stay by my side and be with me the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I love to have you here with me, but unless you don't like Finn anymore, you should call him
- Yeah...- I whisper
"UNLESS YOU DON'T LIKE FINN ANYMORE"? Why are you doing this to me? Did you realize I blushed? Or did you not believe the outfit thing?
However, I still care a lot about Finnie, and I critiqued Wyatt a lot for ignoring Jae, so I can't do the same. Right?
Oh, shit. I'm ignoring him. I'm just like Wyatt! That's why Jaeden's trying to convince me to call Finn.
He suddenly starts laughing at me
- What?
- Penny for your thoughts? You just stayed silent for like five minutes straight, and that's not normal.
- You don't think I'm like Wyatt, right?
- How come?
- I was thinking I'm ignoring Finn just like he ignored you, and I... I don't wanna be like Wyatt, Jae. I don't
- Then give him a call
- Right... yeah. I'm gonna do that.
- Okay, cool. I'm gonna leave, in case you need some alone time.
- Oh... okay.

Finn's P.o.V.
My phone rings one more time. It's nine thirty now, and I really should get up, so thank you, whoever called me.
I pick up my phone and frown. It's Jack
- Hey
- Finnie. I'm so, so sorry
- For ignoring me? Or not telling me your news? Or what? What is it?
- I've been so selfish, and I somehow blamed you for what Wyatt did, but then I realized I was being just like him. I was ignoring you
- You blamed me for Wy breaking up with Jaeden?
- Yeah, I mean, you two are together
- So what? He's not my boyfriend or anything
- It... doesn't matter.
- What's going on, Jack?
- It's nothing. I'm just really sorry.
- Okay...
- I think we should see each other more
- I'm starting school tomorrow so...
- Oh, yeah. I'm going to Littleton
- Colorado? Why?
- To shoot our new movie
- Oh
- So we're gonna be a bit busy...
- We are...
He sighs
- Why does this feel like a break up?- I ask
- It's not. I don't wanna leave you.
- Me neither- I think I don't...
- So... I gotta go. Our uber comes in a bit and I still have to pack
- Okay
- Bye, Bubba
- Love you- I whisper, but he's gone. He hung up.

Still In Love With You/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 2) // DISCONTINUEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora