2x12- Parts & News

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Wyatt's P.o.V.
I wake up next to Finn, who's still sleeping
- I need my own bed- I whisper
He opens his eyes, and yawns
- Hey...
- What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the night in LA
- Let's just say the night got cut off and I had a little bit longer to get here.
- What happened?
- Your boyfriend
- Jaeden?
- Yeah. He got drunk
- I know. What does it have to do with you?
- With me? Absolutely nothing. With Jack? Apparently a lot...
- You have to be fucking kidding me.
- What?
- Jack called your date off just to take care of Jaeden?
- Yep.
- That's weird. I know the date was really important to Jack. He really wanted it
- It's okay. I get it. "Bros before hoes", right?
- What does that even mean?
- Friends before girls. Actually, in this case, friends before boys
- Oh, I get it
- Yeah, so... it's all good. I have to admit I got a little bit jealous for a sec, but they're just best friends... I mean, I don't wanna be that kind of guy
- Right
- What do you think? Jae's your boyfriend, so you're kind of a part of this too
- Not for long
- Meaning?
- I'm breaking up with him
- What? Are you nuts!? I thought you loved him
- I thought so too...
- So what happened?
- I don't know. It's all gone. Now I just feel the need to study. I need something new, no strings attached. I don't wanna start school having a boyfriend
- So you think you can find someone better than Jaeden?
- I don't know. Maybe I've found him already
- Did you?
- Who knows? I mean... only time will tell
- Do you believe you're doing the right thing?
Of course I am, dumbass. After all this time together, I can't even think about him. Cause all I think about is you, Finn. I like you...
This last months I spent with F, I got to know him even better and got the chance to actually see how smart he is. He barely knew me when we move in together, but now it feels like the old times. Even while filming IT, we were never that close. It was always Jae and Finn. I always spent more time with Jack.
- I do. I know I'm doing the right thing.
- Okay then...
- I should get going now
- Without your boat?
- What?- I frown
- Nothing. IT reference. It was dumb
I laugh
- So you finally watched it?
- Get ready for Chapter Two next month
- Are we in it?
- Yeah, yeah. A bit
- Flashbacks. Right?
- Yeah
- Awesome.
- I know...
- Are you going to LA?
- Yeah
- Good luck
- Thanks... I'll need it

Noah's P.o.V.
My phone starts ringing. It's Jack.
- Hey! Noah!- he sounds so happy
- Hey...
- Are you okay?
- Not really
- What happened?
- Sadie and I had a fight
- Oh, I'm so sorry
- It's okay...
- What was it about? Do you want me to go? Is she there?
- No, no. She's at her house
- Where are you?
- At my house...
- I'm coming.
- Okay
I really don't feel like seeing no one right now, but Jack's different. He's always in a really good mood, and maybe that's exactly what I need in moments like this.
I mean, yeah. The fight was really stupid, but we'd never fought before...

Jack's P.o.V.
- I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!- Jae screams- We got the parts!
- YEAH! Oh my God, I'm so pumped up! I can't wait to start shooting
- Me neither! We're filming together again!
- I know! Listen, Jae? I need to go
- Go? Where? I thought we were celebrating
- We'll celebrate when I come back. Okay?
- Where are you going?
- To Noah's. He got in a fight with Sadie and now he's not feeling good.
- Oh, okay... tell him I said hi
- Okay
- See ya
- I'll be back in a bit
I take an Uber to Noah's, and arrive pretty fast
- Hey...- I hug him, and fake a smile- how are you?
- I'm... I don't know. Confused, I guess
- What happened?
- We had a fight about Finn
- About Finn? Why?
- I wanted to go see him, but she didn't want to. So then I tried calling him, just to talk... and Sadie just got mad and stopped talking to me. I hung up, so I could talk to her, cause I thought I didn't need a permission to call one of my best friends. You know?
- Yeah, so?
- So we started shouting and I ended up screaming something pretty terrible
- What?
- I told her that she didn't want to see him just because he doesn't remember her.
- Oh... that's...
- Rough
- Yeah...
- I know. I didn't mean it. I just got so mad, I mean, I just wanted someone to talk to... and Finn used to be that guy
- Yeah... things've changed
- Are you two okay?
- Well, we don't see each other that much. The other day he came by to celebrate our anniversary. We haven't seen each other for months, but I left him in the middle of the date because Jaeden was drunk in a pub
- Jae got drunk?
- Yeah. Thanks to you...
- What did I do now?
- You told him to get drunk last time we all went out together
- Oh, shit. I wasn't in me that night. I don't know what the hell is happening with me. I need a break
- We all do sometimes
- Do you?
- Not now... I mean, I hadn't had a real job for a while.
- Yeah...
- Me and Jae, we...
- Kissed- he interrupts me
- WHAT!? No!
- Sorry- he laughs pretty hard
- We got the parts! We're working together again!
- Jack! That's awesome!
- Yeah! I know!
- Let's celebrate
- Yeah... Jae's waiting home. Let's make a quick stop first
- Where?
- Sadie's

Finn's P.o.V.
So... I just found out Jack got the part he was studying for. He didn't call me, or texted me. I mean, I called him as soon as I finished my test.
It wasn't that hard to send me a freaking text. Was it?
He's not really taking care of our relationship. I chose to give him a shot even tho I barely know him, and this is what I get.
I call him
- Heya!
- Hey.
- What's up? Are you okay?
- Yeah. What about you?
- I'm... fine.
- Just fine?
- Yeah. Um, can I call you back? I'm helping Noah with some dating life problems
- My Noah?
- I didn't know he was yours...
- You know what I mean
- Yeah. The Noah. The only Noah in our lives
- I wouldn't know. I lost two years of my life. Maybe I had met another one but I don't remember him.
- I would've told you
- You think?
- Is everything alright? You sound mad
- I just can't believe you
- Me? What did I do?
- You are supposed to tell me your news, Jack. We're supposed to tell each other...
- Finn...- he interrupts me
- Oh, right. You're too busy
- That's not what...
I hung up, and sigh
Not only he doesn't tell me about the part, but he steals my friends.
I haven't seen Schnipper in a while, and I'm starting to really miss him. He's the only remaining friend I have. Or the only one I can totally remember. Now, Wy's my best friend, but I've known him for just a few months now.

Jaeden's P.o.V.
*Riiiing* *Riiing*
Someone's at the door.
I run downstairs, and sigh
- You forgot your keys again? It's not funny Jack, you really have to...- I open the door, and Jack's not the guy who's outside my door- Wyatt? What are you doing here?
- Jae... we need to talk.

Still In Love With You/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 2) // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now