Chapter 1

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Alright, let's start this story.
Hi, my name is Josie Clair Brosnan. My family was shown to you. Well except my dad. Anyway, let me tell who's who. Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan are my grandparents. Then they had my mother who is Amanda Holden Brosnan, she never changed her last name. Then there are my sisters Lexi and Holly. My father comes home for a week in a year. Then he leaves for business trips. My mother is very dumb for not dumping my father yet. He just comes and goes that's not fair to my mother. But luckily my grandparents are always there for her no matter what.

"Mom grandma and grandpa are coming for dinner" shouted Josie from the kitchen. She was sitting on the island in the kitchen watching Juliana the housekeeper cook dinner. "Juliana what does falling in love means," asked Josie "Mija, where did you hear that from" replied Juliana "Oh, I overheard mom saying it in her room while on the phone," said Josie. Juliana just smiled and replied "Well sweetie, falling in love means that when you like somebody more than being their friends and you get married" "Oh so like Nana and Grandpa and maybe mom and dad" replied Josie, Juliana stopped in her tracks when she heard Josie said "Maybe mom and dad" then she asked "Josie what do you mean maybe your parents, you do know that they are also married" "Oh I know that they are married, it's just that they don't act like one, I mean dad is never home" "Mija your dad has work" interrupted Juliana "I know why is that everytime dad comes home for only a week every year all they do is argue and they never ever once agreed on one thing, it's like they don't even like each other as friends" replied Josie. Juliana was thinking "Holy cow this little girl is getting too smart for her age" "Honey that's enough talk about love go upstairs and call for your mom and sisters to come downstairs, the dining room is set and your grandparents are arriving soon," asked Juliana. josie just nodded and ran upstairs.

She knocked first on Lexi's room and said "Hey Lex Juliana said hurry up and come downstairs cause the dining room is ready and nana and grandpa are almost here" "Alright I will be right out" shouted Lexi from her room. Josie went across to Holly's room and knocked and said "Hey Holly Juliana said for you to hurry up cause dinner is ready and nana and grandpa are almost her" "Alright " replied Holly. Josie skipped towards her mother's room and knocked "Mother, Juliana said for you to hurry up cause dinner is set and nana and grandpa are almost here" "Oh okay thank you sweetie" replied Amanda.

Then Josie started walking down their stairs humming Adante by ABBA, then suddenly the door opened in came in Pierce shouting "We here" Josie ran up to her grandpa and jump on him and hugged him tightly "Hi grandpa" greeted Josie "Hello Peanut, where are your sister and your mother" asked pierce "Well they are finishing up and then they are gonna make there way downstairs.

 Where is Nana?" asked Josie. "Right here," said Meryl while appearing at the front door. Holly jumped of Pierce and ran towards her Nana screaming "Na Naaaa" Meryl opened her arms for her youngest granddaughter and Josie went right into Meryl's arms and squeezed her tight and whispered into her ear "Nana, there is something wrong with mummy, she is acting all weird and she is always sad and that makes me sad, is she falling out of love with daddy" Meryl was shocked at Josie's last comment, she let her down and asked "Josie honey what do you know about love, you are only 8" "Well isn't love what you and grandpa have, well mom doesn't have that, she is always alone, I mean she has us and you guys and her friends at work, but the alone I am talking about is different is the alone that she can't tell her real feelings to or kiss everytime she wakes up, she always has to wake up lonely in an empty bed alone, and for a child at my age seeing this pain in her mother's eyes is not fair and it hurts Lexi and Holly too, we try to be strong for her every day. But she still seems sad and I just hurt. But there is one person that makes her happy" replied Josie "Well who is that one person" Josie looked at her Nana and asked for her to crochet down for her to whisper in her ear "It's uncle Simon" 

 But there is one person that makes her happy" replied Josie "Well who is that one person" Josie looked at her Nana and asked for her to crochet down for her to whisper in her ear "It's uncle Simon" 

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"What are you telling Nana, sweetie," asked Amanda while walking down the stairs. Meryl just smiled at how beautiful her daughter has grown out to be. Amanda came down hugged her mother and whispered to her ear " I have missed you guys so much, next time don't just leave and tell us when you reached your destination" Meryl just smiled and gave a sorry smile then she asked "Well where are the rest of my granddaughters" "Right here Nana" said Lexi while running down the stairs and jumped right up onto her grandpa "her kiddo" said Peirce "Hey grandpa" replied Lexi. 


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Then everybody turns their head towards the most beautiful thing ever. Holly was in the most beautiful dress. How she walked in could have graced any billboard or magazine cover, but she was better than those two-dimensional photoshopped models. Somehow her imperfections made her perfect. There was a shyness to her, hesitation in her body movements and a softness in her voice. Her cream suit had a tailored look that was bold against her beautiful skin, but they could already see her in jeans and a t-shirt, feet up on the couch and painting her nails. She was right there, only feet away, but in her understated glamour, she might as well be on the television or a girl in a pop video. Everybody's mouth was opened in aw. Then when Holly reached them she just smiled and looked at her mom to tell them what she is doing that night. "Oh right, um dad, mom Holly is not joining us cause she has to go to a ball with aunty Sandra" said Amanda "Well sweetie I hope you enjoy the ball and tell aunty Sandra that I want her to teach me how to dance in a ball gown, cause she made me really jealous when she taught you about how to dance in a ball gown" said Amanda, Holly just chuckled and left in her limo. 

"Well since Holly is leaving us, we will be having extra lobster" announced Juliana from the dining room. "Yay Lobster, thank you Juliana" shouted Lexi and Josie while running to the dining room. Amanda just smiled at her daughter's. "I had that same look when you and Sophie were running around the house" whispered Meryl to Amanda, "What do you mean" replied Amanda confused "Well I just smiled how you and Sophie run around the laughing playing and I thought wow right now they are having fun right in front me in next year they will be busy to play or spend any time with me, they will have to go and live their life and I am just stuck at home with your father. That's why when you and Sophie left for NYC, I could not stop crying, I couldn't believe time went by so fast, one time you were in my arms begging me to read a story then another you are driving off to college" replied Meryl. Amanda just smiled at her mother and said "Mom we always need you, and we love you forever" Meryl just kissed Amanda cheek and nodded her head.

Everybody was enjoying their dinner when the doorbell rang, and Josie jumped in and said "I got it" Josie ran off. Amanda just smiled at how youngest is always so excited about everything. Then she heard a voice said "Hello Pierces, I really hope I am not disturbing anything" Amanda looked up and saw Simon standing right in front of her. The sound of the heart was so loud that she thought Simon and everybody could hear it.

                      Continue reading onto the next chapter to see how the evening will go with Simon and Eric joining the Pierces at dinner....

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