Chapter 5

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Simon is on one knee waiting for Amanda's answer.

Amanda was in shock that this is happening.  She was in complete shock.  But that didn't stop her from saying "Yes, Yes".  Simon had a huge grin and his face when he was slipping the ring on Amanda's finger.  Simon stood up and carried Amanda and swung her around.

"Oh my god,  Wait, Wait for reverse, reverse.  Alright let me get this straight you don't tell me that you are together and now you're engaged and I bet you even forgot that I existed, didn't you"  Interrupted Chris.   Everybody turned around and was so scared of what he might do or say, cause word can be as deadly as a punch.  "Dad how did you find us," asked Josie "I had someone watch over you guys and send me pictures of your events and parties.  Since your mom has stopped sending pictures.  I got really suspicious so I decided to do double shift so I could have 2 days off with my family, well now I should just go back and work cause it seems like I don't have a family anymore" finished Chris "Dad.  Look here it was my idea this entire trip and everything, so don't get mad at mom or anyone, okay" said Josie  "No darling don't blame yourself, your mother should have told me.  But instead, she is having an affair, that's just a great homecoming" replied, Chris "No, it wasn't Josie or Amanda's fault, it was all your fault" said Simon "Man shut up you ain't even in this family" replied Chris "Yes this is my family.  What kind of man leaves his family for a dumb job huh.  You made your choice, and don't you ever think about what Amanda thought about your decision" "Well I-I" said Chris "Well you what huh, exactly so you don't come in here making yourself feel like the victim cause you have made your family felt like that for about ten years now.  Did you ever stop to think what your daughters were wondering about, like Where is my father, why isn't he home with us.  Yeah, you never thought of that.  You thought that being a father would be easy.  But it's not.  You have to be there by your wife's side helping her with the kids.  But instead, you go to work and leave all the work to poor Amanda.  And you know what instead of screaming at her, have you ever thanked her for dealing with your ass and raising your children like a strong independent woman who worked hard to keep your kids happy, now Josie, Lexi or Holly wants you no more, so brother, I suggest you leave before it gets ugly " finished Simon angrily.  Chris just walked up to Simon and punched him and spat on his face and said "Amanda you are a whore and your daughters are bitches and parents are idiots" "Listen here dad, I mean Chris.  My mother is not a whore and my sisters are not bitches.  But I can be a bitch and you don't want to see that side of me" said Josie standing in front of her family.  Chris just smiled and started walking out the door and before he turned he said "I'm so glad that I wasn't your father" then he left.

"Mom what did he mean?" asked Josie "Umm nothing sweet pea," said Pierce, "No mom what did he mean, who is my father," asked Josie angrily.  Amanda just looked away and stayed quite.  Josie got out of Pierce's embrace and said "Fine you know that since none of you guys know who my father is, then I'm leaving.  You know cause I don't feel like I belong here cause I don't have a father.  I plan this entire trip so we can stay away from problems like this.  But you never can run away from your problems, can you?  Fine" Josie got up grabbed her bag and stuff and went outside and said "Good Bye Brosnan.  Sorry to interrupt your family vacation" then she turned and went to her limo.  "No Josie" screamed Holly. "Really mom, you just couldn't tell who her father was," said, Lexi, while smashing her door close.  "I will go and talk to her," said   James.  "Chris come on let's go to the phone in the kitchen to try to change Josie's mind," said Holly.  "Mom, dad are you guys mad at me too," asked Amanda "No darling just disappointed, that you would lie to the whole family," said Meryl.  Grabbing Pierce's hand and dragging him into their bedroom.  Amanda turned to Simon and said, "You can just take back the ring" "Oh no darling that is not how we are gonna deal with our problems.  Now tell me who is Josie's father and what happened" replied Simon.  Amanda grabbed Simon's hand and took him into the living room and lit the fire and got them coffee and she began.  "Alright.  I went to a party and got pretty messed up. I wasn't thinking at all. I was just trying to fit in with the rest. I ended up at my friend's house where I was forced to have sex. I was really under the influence, so I had no idea what was really going on. I remember saying no, I don't want to; but the boy kept pulling down my pants; and I eventually passed out. When I woke up I remember him lying on top of me and performing intercourse with me.  And then I came home so frightened and when I was in the shower I was hitting the wall.  And my sister's boyfriend came into my room and sexually abused me. This kept happening until I was 25. I didn't know what to do or what to think of my brother.   I never told my parents because I always thought they wouldn't believe me. I started getting into trouble when I turned 28. I wasn't a virgin anymore. It was taken by a boy who never even cared about me.                                                                                                                                                                Now I'm with you and you mean the world to me.  You are the only person I ever told about my tragedy. You are always there for me no matter what, and I thank God that he gave me at least one person to talk to because I'm very different from my family. Sometimes I just wish I could tell them what my sister's boyfriend did to me and maybe they would understand"  finished Amanda Crying.  "Sweetie.  I understand and I will be by your side till the end of time.  And don't worry about Josie cause you know her she is strong and independent" said Simon.  He kissed her and carried her bridal style up to their room and they had a slow and passionate night. 

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