11. [So I hold you close to help you give it up♡]

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Danny had only been driving 30 minutes and Ava only hoped that somehow they would arrive at their destination in 5 minutes or so because she didn't know how much more she could handle. Jordan's hand was very soft and warm linked to her own, it was as if he didn't want her to forget him through these tender gestures. But how could she forget the touch of his lips, his hands on her face and the feeling of his heart against her cheek? Jordan was making her heart feel what she didn't know she could feel. But this was all so sudden and Ava didn't want to fully dive in just yet.

About an hour or so later, they had finally made it to their destination. It was a rather quiet destination, and there were barely any cars around which Ava found weird but also peaceful as she never liked crowded places."Joe can you help me get the stuff out of the car?" Donnie said before he opened his door and stepped out. Joe obliged, getting off of Jon's lap, who's leg was already asleep. Jordan released Ava's hand to take off his seatbelt and Ava quickly stuffed her hand in the pocket of her hoodie. Ava quickly stepped out of the car as soon as Jon got out, obviously trying to avoid getting off on Jordan's side.

The sky was absolutely breathtaking, to say the least, it was well near sundown. The horizon was painted beautifully with pink, orange, and yellow almost like a painting of some sort. Ava was very amazed, not tearing her eyes away from it while the guys were getting out the stuff that they brought. The breeze was very crisp against her face to which she basked in. Ava never really got to enjoy cold weather, as LA weather was very weird in past times. Boston's weather was very enjoyable. "It's beautiful isn't it?" a soft voice spoke as she turned her head and the dreamy chocolate brown eyes she had been afraid to look into were staring back at her. She nodded shyly, tearing her gaze away from him. "I wish I had a camera right now to take a picture of this beautiful sight and I'm not just talking about the sunset" he added and he mouth slightly parted. 'Jordan sure had a sweet mouth' she thought as she ignored his remarked and followed behind Joe who was carrying a medium sized bag. It took her a while to figure out that they had taken her to the beach. "Do you like it ?" asked Jon as he walked alongside her on the sand. "It's so pretty especially at night, I've never gone at night" she responded. "Really? Beaches at night are the best" he added and smiled.

They took a few minutes to find a spot to set all their things down on. "I'm going to try to start a campfire," Donnie said as he walked away to find twigs and other stuff. Joe started pulling out small blankets from his bag and laying them on the ground to which Ava offered to help. 3 were laid out exactly, enough for 2 per blanket. "How are you liking the view Ava?" Danny asked as he approached her. "It's lovely" she answered and smiled. "Hey do you want coffee, I'm heading to the store and there's a small coffee shop near it" he added. "Yea sure, I can come with if you want, I feel awkward standing here" she said and he nodded. "We're gonna go get coffee, we'll be back" Danny informed. Ava and him got into the car, before Jordan could notice that Ava was going with him, they were gone.

Danny and Ava were gone for only about 20 minutes or so. They came back with a tray of coffee and some goods. Ava took her own and decided to see what Joey was up to. But she noticed that Jordan was sitting alone on the sand a bit isolated from the group and debated whether to join him or not. Before she knew it, she found herself standing over him. He smiled softly, his eyes had a slight gleam inside of them that told her that he must've been happy that she went to see him. He gestured for her to sit next to him and she did."Why are you sitting here all alone?" she asked as she took a sip of her coffee. "I just wanted to relax for a little" he responded. Jordan lied back with his hands holding him for support. He was art. Underneath the gloomy horizon, with the entire ocean behind him and his long legs stretched out on the sand. Ava knew that it was almost a struggle trying not to fall for him. If she hadn't kissed him before, she would've been craving his lips on hers. But she already did and she thought that it was too risky. She wanted more from where that came from but she knew it was best to refrain. Tearing her eyes away from him for a moment. "Do you want to be alone?" she asked and he looked at her"You already know the answer to that question". "I don't actually" she admitted and he shook his head in disbelief. "I don't just kiss anybody" he began and she raised her eyebrow. "Ohh really? we barely met last night and you planted one on me" she argued. "I didn't see trying to pull away" he teased all while letting out a small chuckle and then bit his bottom lip. 'cocky' she thought. "It was my first kiss, I didn't know what to do, I was in shock" she blurted out and then immediately wanted the sand to become quick and swallow her whole. A huge grin appeared on his face. "It was?". Ava could feel her cheeks flush and she nodded. "But don't feel special, it was going to happen sooner or later and then I would be able to kiss other guys" she tried arguing but Jordan found this quite amusing. "Are you sure about that?" he playfully pestered, his Bostonian accent wasn't helping her as she found it very attractive about him. "Very" she said proudly. "Ain't no guy gonna kiss you the way I do" he boasted all while looking directly at her. Ava only hoped that nobody was paying attention to them. "Did" she corrected him. "'Huh?". Realizing that she wasn't going to be making any sense, she tried to change the subject. "It was just a new year's kiss " she said and he raised both of his eyebrows. " Is that what you think?" he asked her and she wasn't sure. "If I kiss you right now-" he spoke again. "Don't you even dare" she warned but it came out as more of a plead because she knew that she would give in. " "And I feel your heart beat hard and fast under my hand" he added. "What are you trying to do?" she asked as she tried her hardest not to let the effects take her over. "What do you want me to do?" he questioned her as his eyes softened. "I'm not sure" she said but her eyes were betraying her as they moved to where the words left his mouth. Jordan abruptly sat up. "Just say the words and I'll do it.. honest," said longingly. "I can tell from your eyes what you want, they've been staring at my lips for a while now" he spoke again. "Jordan I-I " she stammered as she bit her bottom lip. "You what Ava?" he asked as he affectionately caressed her cheek. She felt herself giving into the gesture as she closed her eyes. " Want you to kiss me again" she murmured and he obliged.

His lips felt even better when she couldn't see him. It was like an awaited gift that she had been wanting for so long and she realized that she finally got it. Ava didn't know how much she truly enjoyed kissing Jordan until now. It's like they were meant for her bow-shaped ones. The fullness of his own gave her a beautiful and tender sensation. She couldn't help but place her hand on his neck gently. His scent was intoxicating as was his touch. His lips kept her warm in the crisp breeze of the night, that was illuminated by the endless stars plastered across the sky.

Ooooh a lot of teasing haha. Was going to make the chapter longer but I figured that was a great way to end it. ♡ Who's excited for the next one?♥︎

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