78.[Rewinding the tape♡]

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Her taxi arrived within a few minutes after that hug. Jordan was disappointed to see her go. Something inside of him was taken by her. He watched her fade out of sight and felt alone. He felt almost lonely without her presence. He decided to call one of his bodyguards to pick him up from the airport. Opening his contacts, he noticed her name being the first of the list. He smiled and bit his lip as his thumb grazed the screen.

"What the fuck-" she thought to herself as she sat in the backseat of the taxi currently taking her to her new place to live. The familiar set of butterflies had revived with Jordan's encounter. They raged like crazy inside of her stomach. She was very concerned with herself and how she was reacting to this. Jordan was a married man with a family of his own. She had her daughter to see and support in the place she swore she would never set foot in it since Raven's funeral in 94. That's the only reason Ava returned to Boston. Or so she hoped it was.

She couldn't help but wonder where Jordan was and if he was already home with his wife. It was getting frustrating being alone with her thoughts. This encounter replayed in her head like a favorite song, you had forgotten but remembered the moment you heard a familiar lyric. Without warning, her phone vibrated, a message from Jordan was displayed on the screen. Her heartbeat steady and slow. 'Was he thinking of me?' she wondered.

Unlocking the phone, she read the text message. Which said;

Let me know when you get to where you need to be please.

She chose not to respond.

She had to remind herself that he broke her heart. It took years and time to fix it. Jordan didn't deserve to have a spot inside of it. The circumstances have changed drastically and Ava knew that she had to be cautious with him. He wouldn't risk it all for her and neither would she. It was completely absurd to even think of this encounter surpassing something else.

Ava debated blocking his number but found that almost childish. But her mind wandered to that very moment she first saw him. A whole man. Mature and grown. The years that piled on top, did no harm to his appearance. That was just the outside, she didn't know what hid on the inside. Ava decided at that moment, that she would give up the opportunity to find out.

The kind man dropped her off beside the sidewalk. A sidewalk she knew all too well. It was set in front of her stepfather's deceased sister's house. She thanked him and grabbed her items from the trunk. She looked under one of the flower pots for the key that was left. Her stepfather assured her ahead of time that it would be there and he would put it himself. Stepping inside the front door, was like rewinding the tape and reliving old moments.

The house had a history, it carried history. Ava remembered the last time she saw Raven. She helped her, when she needed someone the most and had to leave it all behind. While her mother and stepfather moved about an hour away after Wilbert managed to branch out another building for the publishing company. Ava chose to stay with her godparents since she began to feel like a burden for the couple. Being in Boston became a living nightmare.

The young man named Zach, that visited her godparents almost every day, somehow snatched her attention. He was sometimes sweet and sometimes rough in behavior but she figured why not give him a chance. She decided to give herself another opportunity to love or better said date. The first time they kissed, it felt weird to Ava. She didn't enjoy it as much. Hoping that it was only the long time span of not being in a relationship, she wandered further with him. Their first time together was nothing compared to her first time with Jordan. Zach wasn't as gentle as him, it was more about him finishing first than her. Although she was very uncomfortable, she consented to this. Outside of bedroom activities, Zach was emotionally supportive of her. He got along really well with her godparents. All too fast he became part of the family and decided to ask for Ava's hand in marriage. She accepted but only if he promised not to rush the wedding. It almost hurt when he slipped on the ring because it replaced Jordan's.

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