86. [ Do I want to know?♡]

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Ava walked away with a heartache. She crashed into a hard figure and looked up apologetically. "Oh, hey there you are" spoke an averaged sized but muscular man with few tattoos painting his arms. "Danny?" she said as she eyed him curiously. "Yeah, it's me" he confirmed and flashed a soft smile. "I just wanted to say hi to you, I never got the chance when you got here" he explained and she smiled. "I'm sorry, -Its been hectic" she responded. "No problem-, I just couldn't believe it till I saw it with my own eyes, -you're back in Boston" he added happily. "Yeah, long story short, I'm here for my daughter" Ava answered and Danny's eyes widened. "Wow, time flies " he spoke and nodded. "I'm sorry, were you in a hurry or something?" he asked, noticing her shallow breathing. From his peripheral vision, Danny saw Jordan emerge from the location she was walking from. He now understood and chose not to question her about it. "I won't hold you back any longer, -can I at least get a hug?" he finished and she nodded. Ava willingly wrapped her arms around him as he embraced her. "Take care okay?" he told her as he rubbed her back.

"Thanks, Danny, you too"

"I'm tired, I think I'm gonna go home-" Ava told Leo as she approached him with her keys in her hand. "Already?" he asked and she nodded. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you, -It's late" he suggested, concerned. "I'll be fine, thank you" she finished and gave him a brief hug. Ava walked out the front door with her heart heavy in her chest. Jordan's lips imprinted on hers, she could not shake the feeling of them. Her mind replaying the entire scene over and over again as she struggled to start her car. She couldn't think properly, scared that she'd see him again somehow. Eventually, she managed to pull out onto the street and made her way home.

The following week...

Ava had received a message from Joey asking if she'd like to have coffee with him. She accepted and was currently getting ready to go. It was bright and early in the morning. Ava waited for the text that told her when he was going to be on his way. Eventually, she received it and locked the front door behind her. Getting into her car, she pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

When she got there, it was mildly packed inside the shop. Ava sat in one of the tables at the end of the room to wait for him. She texted Gracie her usual 'good morning' as she had been doing for the past few months and then placed her phone in her purse. Just in time, a happy Joey was walking towards her. He waved at Ava and she waved back. "Hey, you" he greeted as he opened his arms wide. She happily stood up and hugged him. " it's so nice to see you again-" he told her as they pulled away."It's so nice to see you too" Ava agreed and smiled. " I'm gonna go order for us" he suggested "-what do you want?". "A vanilla latte" she answered. "Gotcha-, be right back " he spoke as he walked to the front of the shop.

"Here's your drink-" Joey said as he carefully placed it on the table. " Thank you-" she said and smiled. "It's been forever since we had coffee together huh" he began and wrapped his lips on the white lid of his cup. "Yeah, try years-" Ava joked and chuckled. "I missed you" Joey admitted, his baby blue eyes softened. "I did too-" Ava said trying not to get emotional. "J missed you the most" he added and the conversation shifted drastically. "We all miss people" Ava justified and shrugged. Joey took note of her body language. Her roaming eyes, shaky voice, and bouncing leg. She was nervous to talk about Jordan. "You know it's not healthy to keep it all in, -I'm here to lend an ear, -you can trust your good o'le friend Joe" he assured, extending out his hand for her to hold. Ava placed her hand in his, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her. "I promise I won't say anything to anyone, -especially him" he guaranteed. "Well what do you want me to say?" she asked. "Anything that you want,-Anything that has been bothering you" he clarified. "I hate the fact that he's back in my life" she confessed and let out a small sigh. "Why?" Joey questioned, rubbing gentle circles on her hand to encourage her. "Because" She choked on her words "-Because it's not fair". "Having J back in your life is unfair?" he repeated. "Yes-" she answered, her eyes became glossy. "I can't control myself when I'm around him-" she admitted, Joey nodded "-It's like he's still a part of my weakness". "Do you think he's taking advantage of that?" Joey continued, still holding her hand, which had become shaky. "I don't know, -I don't know what he wants from me,-he's got it all and he still has the audacity to try and open up old wounds". "Ava, you can't just say that somebody has it all, -You're not J" Joey reasoned and she nodded. "He's been acting different since he's seen you again" he continued. "You know, last night-, he couldn't tear his eyes off you".

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