64. [More ways than one ♡]

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They slept soundly until the early morning rays peeked through her curtains. Her eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust them to the faded light bouncing off the bedroom walls. She turned her head to the side, and was rather pleased by the beautiful guy lying next to her. Her eyes danced over the bare skin of his chest, remembering the feeling of it being pressed against her during a hug or their love sessions. Ava bit her lip and let out a small sigh. Right now, she needed a shower, a much needed one actually. A cold one perhaps.

Slowly and gently, she managed to crawl out of the bed without stirring him awake.  She didn't want to make any noise whatsoever, thus, she settled for clean undergarments and her freshly washed champagne colored robe hanging outside the bathroom door. Entering the bathroom, she neatly set her clothing on sink counter top and started the water, to make sure it was the right temperature before stepping into the tub.

After about 20 minutes, she turned off the water, dried herself off , slipped on her undergarments, lathered her body with her favorite vanilla scented lotion, moisturized her face and slid on her robe.  The fleece warmed her body almost immediately as she proceeded to comb her hair. She hummed to herself, enjoying the feeling of being fresh and clean. There was rustling in the other room, like somebody was getting out of bed. The door in the bathroom was left unlocked, within a few seconds, a small knock rang in her ears as she finished brushing her teeth. "Come in" she spoke and smiled when she saw a sleepy and groggy Jordan standing by the door way. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I'm done already, just needed to have my morning shower" she added while putting curling product in her hair. "And without me huh?" he teased as she chuckled. "They'll be other times, I'm sure" she answered and grinned.

"Meet you downstairs handsome" she teased as he playfully scoffed while squeezing out a bit of toothpaste on his toothbrush. Deciding not to tease him any further, Ava made her way downstairs to brew fresh coffee. The house felt empty, too empty, normally she'd smell her mother's cooking and the fresh bread that her stepfather would bring in the morning. She sighed to herself as she pressed the button 'on' , starting the coffeemaker. Suddenly, the phone rang, as she walked passed it.
"Hello?" She answered, tugging the robe closer to her body, since a small breeze from the cold room was creeping in. "Ava?" spoke a familiar voice. "Yes, that's me". "Oh great, hey listen it's Marie, sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I'm gonna need you to come in, say at 1 today, can you do that for me?".
"Yeah, yeah no problem, I'll be there" Ava accepted. "Great! Thanks Ava, okay I'll stop bothering you for now". Ava chuckled and smiled. "Okay bye Marie".

"Mm who was that?" whispered a sweet morning voice as a pair of warm arms wrapped around her waist. "It was Marie, she wants me to come into work today" she answered while hanging up the phone and turning around. "What time?" He asked while as he picked up one of her hands and held it. She noticed his attire, a white t shirt with red basketball shorts and old sneakers. "Where did you find clothes?" she asked, ignoring his previous question. "These were in my car, in my duffle bag that I use to go to the gym, which I didn't end up going last time, so they are clean don't worry" he explained and she nodded. "Okay good, I didn't know how much longer I would've handled you in just your underwear" she admitted, a small smirk evident on his face. "Oh really?" He teased and she nodded, while laughing. "Why do you think I needed the cold shower" she teased playfully and turned around to check on the coffee. "Are you always going to tease me?" He whined as she rummaged through the cabinets to look for mugs. "What!? I don't do that" she joked and smiled to herself, knowing just how frustrated and needy he can get. "This love this to be nourished baby, it's normal to have sex and explore our bodies" he spoke genuinely, she felt her cheeks flush. "Yes Jordan I understand, at least I'm trying to, but not in my parents house" she reasoned , letting out a small chuckle. "Oh okay see now I understand, I thought you were getting shy on me again" he admitted , leaning in to kiss her cheek while she finished pouring out the coffee. "I'm afraid, I'm not anymore" she confessed and bit her bottom lip while shaking her head.

" Going back to your question from earlier, I have to be at work at 1 today" Ava spoke as she took another small sip of her coffee. "Oh really?" He responded, she nodded in response. "Yeah, if you want you can drive back home and I'll drive myself to work" she suggested, Jordan's eyebrows furrowed. " Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah, as soon as I'm done, I'll try to call you and meet you at your place". "Okay" he agreed and smiled. The butterflies in her stomach have been fluttering ever since they got together, the thought of staying with Jordan in his place for a couple weeks, seemed exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. She trusted him, but didn't doubt that he'd take every chance he got to get her riled up. Their gonna take advantage to nourish their love during these past few weeks.It sent shivers down her spine.

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