46.[ Can't wait ♥︎]

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☁︎ APRIL -the year 1992. ☁︎

It was Ava's birthday month and she didn't know if she was excited to officially become full adult age or not. 21 was a big number for her, it meant that she was legal for everything. In her eyes, she still felt like a kid, she was in no rush to make extreme changes in her life. Her birthday had stopped becoming a celebration, there was nothing fun about growing older. Life was certainly bringing her surprises that she was sure, not expecting. She never thought that she'd get a boyfriend so suddenly and yet, here she was with the best one she could ever have. Not because he was a teenage heartthrob for many, but because he had it all. Such a humble and sweet person all around, very patient, caring, charismatic, and down to earth. His looks were just a bonus, it was his entirety that she had fallen for. Sometimes, she wonders if it was too soon, but she had enough thinking everything and everybody was going to hurt her. Jordan is proving this otherwise, she trusts him, and that's something that she had never given anybody for a long time.

Her mother had been busy most of the time, as she found a job through Wilbert's sister, Raven. The house was rather empty during the day, except for Ava who came home from school to get ready for work or rest. She didn't mind it though, she was very content with her small time spent alone. Jordan had been wanting to see her for a while now but she was busy during the times that he was not. He assured her that he would see her on her birthday to which she agreed but she insisted that they'd keep it casual. She didn't want anything special, especially from Jordan, as she didn't want him thinking that she was now interested in his money. Quite frankly, she didn't even want to accept any gifts from him. Ava was not materialistic in any way, she did not put much importance on things considered high value. Her biggest values could not be bought with all the money in the world. She appreciated the small things that life had to offer, books, music and nature's beauty. A family would be another one, but she didn't believe in it, due to her harsh past.

She had a clear idea that things do not last forever but now she tries to push that away from her mind. The thought of losing Jordan was not petrifying to her, she can't imagine, never meeting him. She realized how lucky she was to be in her position, Jordan could have any girl that his heart desired and he chose her. Relationships were always so odd to her, for she found no reason in being in one since they were only temporary. And this was the scariest part, the fact that she now understood what it was like to be in one. She feared to feel the thought of leaving one, especially if this one involved the current one that she had grown to love. She was still so young, giddy of her beau, and had yet to explore the undiscovered blisses that come with being in love. Eventually, she'd discover everything that a relationship has to offer, with Jordan. Things that she never knew, she could ever want. Because now she was in love, all too soon, but she could no longer deny it.

☁︎April 18, 1992☁︎

It was only 9 AM, Ava was currently sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee by herself. Classes were miraculously canceled, due to the professor calling in sick. Ava figured she could take the day to relax, and possibly get ahead of the homework. She sighed as she remembered that the next day would be her birthday but smiled when she realized that she would finally see Jordan. It's been almost 2 months since she'd last seen him, it was amazing how they still managed to make things work. Trust was so important for the two.

Her mother wanted to cut her a cake for the next morning to which she agreed. Ava stopped celebrating her birthday, by the time that she was 10. Parties were no longer fun, and less and people showed up one year after the other. She preferred intimate birthdays, where it was just her mother and now Wilbert. Her mother was more than glad that Ava would be doing something more than just cutting a cake. She was glad that she now had Jordan, as it was undeniable that he had such a positive effect on her. Her daughter was growing up, all grown up, to say the least. It was about time that Ava had somebody as amazing as Jordan to brighten her days and make her nights. Young love was a delight.

Ava was deep in thought, when the sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen, interrupted them. She briefly sighed and then walked over to answer it. "Hello?" she spoke. "Good morning sweetheart" chimed a familiar voice in a sweet manner. Ava smiled to herself recognizing it. "Morning Jordan". "How's your last day of being 20 going so far?" he asked and she chuckled. "I'm holding onto the remaining hours before I plummet into official adult age" she joked. "Aww, it's not so bad from here" he answered making her laugh. "Besides, you don't look 20 " he continued. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" she playfully asked. "The important thing is that you feel young because you are still young" he responded. "For now" Ava grumbled and he chuckled. "Okay okay, well besides that, how are you baby?" he tried to lighten the mood. "I'm alright, how about you?" she answered as she walked back to the table to retrieve her mug. "Why only alright?" he added, taking her answer into more consideration. "It's been a casual few months, school is normal, work is normal" she explained and shrugged. "I've been missing you though," she admitted in a barely a whisper, almost growing bashful after those words left her mouth. "I've been missing you too sweetheart, can't wait to see you tomorrow" Jordan gushed with tenderness. "Me neither, what's the plan for tomorrow?" she responded while smiling. "It's a surprise, but I want you to dress warmly" he answered. "Got it" she responded. "Gonna give you all the kisses that I have been dying to give you" he spoke which caught her off guard, making her blush. Ava remained silent for a moment because she really did not know what to say after that. Although she was almost dying to receive them, she did not want to admit it, better said, she was too shy to admit that she's been missing them. "Earth to Ava" Jordan said, snapping her back to reality. "Yes, sorry I was lost in thought" she answered trying to play it off like it didn't faze her. Her heart began to beat hard, as the reminder reuniting with Jordan once again. To feel him in the flesh, and hear his sweet voice in person. "Alright, baby, I'll call you later okay? I just wanted to talk to you" he spoke. "Okay, thanks for calling Jordan" she responded nicely. "The pleasure is all mine sweetheart". "I can't wait to see you again".

"Me too, I can't wait ".

Thanks for reading.

Feedback is always appreciated ! 🖤

As you see, things are escalating and that means Ava and Jordan's 1st night is coming sooooooooon.

Not too soon.

But soon.

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