85.[ No Barriers♡]

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Jordan's eyes were practically bulging out of his head since Ava walked in. His wife fumed with his reaction. "Jordan-" she demanded his attention as she squeezed his arm a little tighter. "Huh?" He responded letting out a fake cough. "You were staring at that woman that just walked in" she recalled angrily. "Babe, she's a guest, I was just acknowledging her presence " Jordan assured trying to play it off.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" greeted a familiar voice as Ava turned around to face the person. "Oh my god-" she spoke and then smiled brightly. "Donnie!" she greeted as he pulled her in for a hug. "Holy shit Ava-" Donnie said as they pulled away. "Look at you, you're a woman" he pointed out with a huge grin on his face. "And you're a man" she added making him laugh. "You're back in Boston, I don't believe this" he continued as he shook his head. "Yeah, Well my daughter goes to school here" he explained and he gasped. "And a mother too? oh god-, where did time go". She laughed and simpered as he held her hand "I ask myself that every day. "How have you been sweetheart?" He asked in a brotherly form. "Been well, how have you been?" She responded immediately. "Better than ever, I'm back with my boys and we're making new stuff" he celebrated holding his glass containing a bubbly liquid, out and smiled. "That's amazing-" she told him."So are you married, single, dating or who's the lucky guy?" He asked loud enough for Jordan to hear.

"Not married, not dating, I'm single" she answered proudly.

"She looks amazing" Joey whispered to Jordan as they stood next to each other while their wives went to sit down. "I know-" Jordan agreed, "anyone with eyes can see that". He watched her shine through the crowd. She moved so gracefully across the room. Her body causing a tightening to rise in his chest and pants. He watched her greet each of the guests and take a few pictures with Leo. His blood boiled when he kissed her on the cheek and she chuckled and patted his chest. "Just an FYI, your wife is here, don't get into any trouble" Joey added as he patted his shoulder roughly and walked away.

Ava glanced over a few times, noticing the way his wife would hold onto his hand possessively. She also noticed the way she demanded his full attention. When she pecked him throughout the night, Ava felt nauseous. She didn't want to admit the fact that she'd do almost anything to trade places with her. To wake up and fall asleep next to him. To wear the taste of his lips every day. Ava chose to lie to herself to save the pain that was threatening to rise to the surface.

Ava didn't bother to even acknowledge Jordan. She didn't know his wife but knew that having a husband like Jordan, would come with a natural jealousy embedded trait. Women buzzed around him like bees but he wasn't the only one. Tonight, Ava thrived with the attention she was receiving only because it wasn't only from Jordan. She was aware that Jordan had his eyes set on her for the remainder of the night. His wife being here somehow sparked involuntary jealousy from her and she didn't like that. So she wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. She wanted to remain untouchable and free. Ava knew that she was out of Jordan's reach for the night. She felt in power.

The rest of the evening dragged on, Ava found a small balcony with a view. It had a body length mirror mounted on the wall outside. She leaned against the wooden edge of the balcony as the wind grazed her bare skin. Her mind was jumbled with so many thoughts. Ava was rather annoyed that Jordan kept coming into her life without warning. Speaking of this, Jordan somehow found her after whisking himself away to recharge with some time alone. He stopped dead in his tracks at the enchanting sight. Ava looked absolutely stunning underneath the moonlight and the countless stars plastered across the sky. Especially in the dress, she chose to wore.

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