67. [If they tried it again]

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Her heart stopped but it more so dropped at the mention of his name laced with that fragment. Ava only hoped that she was a fan. One who was in love with the possibility of marrying her favorite boy band member. 'It has to be that' she thought to herself. If she was being honest, the sound of that didn't even phase her. She knew what she signed up for the moment Jordan revealed he was a new kid.

"I'm sure a lot of girls are in love with him. I heard New Kids On The Block have a lot of fans that dream of marrying them" she replied in a joking manner. "No, you don't understand" Tayler interrupted feeling offended. "This is why you have to hear me out". Now, she had earned Ava's undivided attention. She stopped all movements and placed the clipboard she held on top of one of the boxes in the room. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-, you can continue".

Tayler threw her head back, when she threw her head forward, her eyes appeared glossy. "I-I know it can sound crazy or sound like a fantasy, but I had the beautiful most amazing chance to love and be loved by him". Ava's throat felt like it was running dry. "Are you sure that you want to tell me all this. It seems too personal?". Her questioned was ignored.

"I was a devoted blockhead" she began. "Jordan was my favorite. He caught my eye the moment I first saw them on my tv screen. I dreamed of being his girl just like the rest". "Okay" Ava answered, her eyes softening, no longer feeling nervous but guilty instead. "My best friend was also a blockhead, she was also a Jordan girl. For my birthday, my parent got us tickets to see them in concert"

Ava nodded indicated that she was listening.

"It was amazing and I was very happy with that. But somehow my best friend got us the opportunity to go backstage and meet them. They were super nice, Joey was friendly as were the others. I remember she disappeared for a long while and I was alone".

By this point, Ava was already too engrossed in the story to refrain her from finishing it.

"Nobody was around, except for crew member and a few bodyguards. I was waiting for her, bored out of my mind until somebody decided to keep me company".

Tayler made sure to look at Ava in the eyes before speaking again.

"It was Jordan".

By this point, Ava knew that she had reached the edge of her composure and peace of mind. Everything after this, was quite unsettling, to say the least.

"He introduced himself to me, told me I was pretty and played with my hair. Ava, I had butterflies in my stomach. I was scared of embarrassing myself somehow".

'I know the feeling' Ava thought to herself and sighed.

"And then he kept looking at my lips and kissed me" Tayler spoke with delight, biting her lip almost as if she was trying to remember it. "I thought I was dreaming but he just kept kissing me and kissing me. One thing led to another we did stuff that night". Ava nodded, trying not to let this bother her. It's not fun to hear about another person kissing your significant other.

"When we were done, he asked for my number. I thought I was just another groupie but he did call me, and things escalated from there. We had such a great relationship, he was so caring and attentive. The perfect boyfriend to say the least" Ava gestured for her to proceed and forced out a small smile.

Anything You Ask Of Me: Jordan KnightWhere stories live. Discover now