Chapter Four- Saved

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    I heard a beep. It was continuous on a looped pattern. Beep, beep, beep. The sound of an EKG monitoring a heart.

     My eyes weakly opened and I had to squint from the blinding sunlight that bounced of the white walls. Mark and Ken stood at the doorway. Their voices were low as they whispered quietly to each other. Ken looked over and noticed I was up. I heard a blanket rustle and glanced over to see Marzia asleep in the chair. Her cheeks were moist with tears.

     Ken and Mark strode over to my bed as I tried to sit up but felt sore to the bone. I fell back into my pillow and sheets and looked around for Cry. I felt pain in my chest.

       "Hey there buddy. That was some nasty accident." Ken gently placed a tray of food on my lap that a nurse must've left for me. "Everyone was worried."

      "You were in pretty bad shape. Been in a coma for nearly three weeks. Doc said you wouldn't make it. That it would take a miracle." Mark looked as he spoke.

       "Wha-" I felt pain in my head and chest and I cringed and groaned.

        "I'll get the nurse." Ken said as he swaggered out of my room.

        Mark sat at the edge of my.bed and looked at me. His eyes were full of concern. "I'm glad you're alive, Felix."

         "How." That was all I managed to say from the agonizing pain.

          "You're car flipped off the highway and tumbled far, and I mean far, down a hill into a tree. You broke some ribs and hit your head so hard you should've died. On impact. But you were still alive and breathing when they found you."

      I looked at Mark confused and my head hurt as I remembered what happened. The figure running out in front. I looked at Mark.

      "Did I hit anyone?!"

      "No. It was a rarely used road Felix."

      I breathed out a sigh and relaxed comfortably in my bed as I grabbed the banana pudding and plastic spoon. My stomach had been growling silent protests as it tried to scratch itself out. The first spoonful of the pudding was bliss.

     Ken walked back in with a nurse. The nurse amped up my drug dosage and woke Marzia. Marzia threw herself on me and hugged me so tight I'd become purple. Her lips covered my cheeks in kisses.

         I waved my friends away as I felt the drugs take hold of me and I was begging to drift into sleep's loving embrace. I yawned and closed my eyes, already leaving the waking world.

       "Pewdie. Wake up."

        I sat up in my bed. I was back home in my hotel room. Cry sat at the foot of my bed. I wanted to cry and jump into him but I stopped.

      The room was pitch black. Cry wore a handsome suit and his hair was combed back. His mask was cracked as he was covered in blood.


        "Shhhhh." He put a finger to my lips as he removed his tie. He leaned in close,  practically pinning me to my bed. I could smell death and blood on him as he brushed his cold hand against my cheek.

       "You're safe."

       "D-did you save me?" I stammered quietly as Cry smiled softly and nodded.

        He leaned in closer and his lips brushed my cheek, then neck, and finally my ear. I was confused and nervous and gulped. He chuckled lightly as he whispered in that deep voice he used for his Cry Reads.

      "Come find me. I'll be waiting." He leaned closer and I knew the kiss was coming.

       I jolted awake and almost fell out of the hospital bed. I looked at the dark room. I sighed at the emptiness and looked outside. The moon was hidden behind thunderheads that were heavy with rain.

      I winced as I sat up. I tried to remember the dream that had startled me into waking but all I could remember was Cry saying to find him.

       My eyes widen and I felt my pulse quicken as I thought about Cry actually being alive. I wanted to run out and find him quickly and shower him in hugs and kisses.

      I bit my tongue to distract my thoughts. I wasn't gay or bi. Marzia is my loving companion and partner that will possibly become a Mrs. Felix.

      Although, in some cultures it is not gay to kiss a 'thank you' or 'hello'. Maybe that's what I meant and my mind is too tired to tell the difference.

      I layed back down and closed my eyes. My back twitched as I felt the strange presence of someone in the room watching me. I slightly peaked one eye open so I still appeared to be sleeping.

      My heart stopped. A silhouette stood in the darkest corner by the wall. It was almost a shadow. It would stand there unmoving. I don't know how long I watched it do nothing before it tried to get closer to my bed.

       My heart was pumping so hard and fast I thought it would burst from my chest. I shut my eyes quickly. I was terrified.

       I felt warmth and safety. I peaked one eye open and saw the shadow was gone. The room was dark but the air was familiar.

       "Cry?" I breathed out in a hushed whisper as I sat up. There was no response but I felt I was right to say my dead friend had saved me.

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