Chapter 6- Found Me

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My heart raced wildly inside my chest. Was I going to die? I looked to his hand saw he was holding a pen out to me and a clipboard in the other. He smiled.
" I was wondering if you'd like to come join the new church." His eyes were soft and wise. He seemed rather young, no older than I was.
"I'll have to think about it. I'm not really religious." He smiled again.
" That's alright." He put his pen away.
" So, Stephano?"
" Is that a French accent?"
" Yes, it is."
" Another thing, how did you know my name?"
" It was God who whispered your name."
" No. Seriously."
" YouTube. My son watches it."
" Oh. Right. Bye." He smiled again before I turned to leave. I hurried home as quickly as I could. The wind had picked up and it began to rain. Marzia's car wasn't in the driveway. I turned the knob.
"Shit!" The door was locked. I knew we didn't have a spare and I groaned. I hit my head lightly against the door.
'Come find me.'
I perked my head up at the whisper in my ear. A familiar voice that was alluring. How I loved his voice.
" Where?"
The street lamps flickered. I turned and saw each one flicker down the street. I pulled my hood up and hurriedly followed each one. The rain came down harder.
"I hate storms." I grumbled as I came to the end of the street. An abandoned church stood there. It would have to be at least three centuries old. It was beautiful and in surprisingly good condition.
I pushed the gate open and walked up the steps. The door opened and Cry stood there and he smiled. I smiled as I walked inside, grateful to be out of the downpour.
"Hello Pewdie."
"So this is where you hide?"
"Yes. I'm able to watch you from here without being disruptive. I hope that's no bother."
" Not at all. It's good to have you near." He smiled more as he took my jacket from me and tossed it onto a pew. He grabbed my hand.
" You're welcome to come here whenever you like. I'm always here." I couldn't help but smile from that and I hugged my friend. He held me close and I felt relieved.
I pulled away and sat down in a pew. I smiled at how warm and dry the church was. Cry sat beside me and he pulled me close to him. My eyes widen and I blushed.
" C-Cry?!" He chuckled.
" It's alright. I'm sure you're quite cold and your soaked. I don't mind being your pillow." His fingers gently ran through my hair and I blushed more as I leaned against him. My head rested on his chest. I saddened.
It was quiet. It was still. No beat. No pulse. His chest was still inside and out. He didn't breathe and his heart didn't beat. I wished he hadn't died.
"It's different....I know. " Cry hugged me closer and I blushed again. What was wrong with me? I wasn't gay. I had Marzia. Has my fabulousness increased to such a level? I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I began to dose off.
The morning sunlight was harsh as it filtered in through the curtains. I sat up in my bed tiredly and looked around my room. It was clearly my bedroom. How did I get here? Cry must've brought me home. I noticed I was in dry clothes. Clearly, he dressed me too.
I got up and yawned as I stretched. I yelped as I felt a sharp pain in my leg as I fell forward. I grabbed my leg as I whimpered.
" Charlie horse!" I immediately began to push my toes back toward me and felt relieved as the pain subsided. Fuck, that hurt.
I looked at the doorway to see Ken standing there in a suit. I waved at him before looking at the calendar. Today was the rehearsal for his funeral. I sighed knowing tomorrow would be the day they bury him.
"Did I miss it?"
"Unfortunately. But you're still recovering. We really don't need you dying on us trying to attend his funeral."
" I have to go. "
"No you don't. We decided to get him cremated instead. We're pushing the funeral back until you're in better shape. A body rots but ashes can stay in a pot."
I opened my mouth to protest but I closed it. It was no use arguing against Ken. He was right. I know I shouldn't move much in case I were to fall and break more ribs and have one of them puncture an organ. I was in no condition to attend a funeral or even leave my house.
" Thank you, Pewdie."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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