25. Lunch

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Start song: sit next to me by foster the people

Tyler spent every single lunch after that first one in Josh's office. He had been skeptical at first, because he thought it was kinda of weird to spend lunch without his friends, plus, he was worried that Josh didn't actually want him there. But every time he knocked on Josh's office door, Josh would just give him this look that made butterflies rise to his stomach.

He would smile and usher him inside and then set him up on Netflix while he did work and ate. The eating part was thanks to Tyler, he kept having to remind him to eat. He'd learnt that Josh didn't use his lunch break to actually eat lunch most of the time. So, even though Josh was an adult and perfectly capable of feeding himself, Tyler still had to remind him to eat when he got too caught up in his work.

And, between the 4 days that he ate lunch there, every day just got better and better.

On Tuesday, Josh freaking held his hand while they watched the rest of fight club (Josh had insisted on skipping some of the sexual and really gory parts when he noticed Tyler getting small)  and then he had kissed the top of his hand to reassure him that he was safe. Tyler had blushed so hard he was speechless for the rest of lunch.

Sure his friends gave him little pecks on the cheeks all the time but this was Josh, the guy he had a huge crush on, his daddy? (That part still didn't feel fully clear even though they'd talked about. He hated to admit that he was nervous to actually address Josh as his daddy, but god he was.), Josh was different, he was more than a friend.

On Wednesday Josh brought him chocolate chip cookies, a dozen of them secured inside a plastic container, plus he'd bought him some milk from the cafeteria before Tyler had even arrived to his office. They hadn't really spoken about why Tyler kept coming back to eat with him but it was like Josh knew that he would.

It just worked, Josh didn't need to ask him why he kept coming back and Tyler didn't need to ask Josh why he let him. They both knew why, even without admitting it aloud, subconsciously, they knew each-others reasons. Even though Tyler found their relationship a little confusing, it still made so much more sense to him than anything else in his life. He had never gotten along with a single person as well as he did with Josh.

By Thursday, Tyler had begun to anticipate his lunch's with Josh. They had quickly become the highlight of his days, especially because he'd googled if it was weird to eat lunch with your teacher. And it turned out, it wasn't. A lot of people did it, which was mainly why he stopped sneaking into his office suspiciously and just walked in like he was a student in need of help, because really, he was.

He started being more open around Josh too, more specifically about the fact that that he liked him. It wasn't much of a secret anymore, although he had blatantly admitted to liking Josh, he'd never specified in what way. So, he started flirting.

Flirting, he wasn't sure exactly how to go about it and he was aware that he might've been doing it previously without realizing it. Off handed compliments were common for him, he didn't even realize he was saying them until said person was saying thank you. This was different though because being aware that he was going to attempt to flirt with him was intimidating.

So he started slowly, or as slow as he knew how to go and really he wasn't sure if his attempts even counted.

As soon as his lunch had started he'd rushed to his locker, grabbed his bag and speed walked to Josh's office. Which was on the opposite end of the school. He still felt guilty about ditching his friends at lunch but they'd understand once he explained to them what was going on. If he ever did.

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