Chapter 1

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Saturday, May 14, 2016: Pallet Town, Kanto: 8:48pm

Hanako Ketchum's house (Delia)

Hanako knocks on Satoshi's (Ash) door.

Delia: "Ash, would you like some help with your packing?"

Ash: "Sure, mom!"

Delia enters and begins helping Ash pack his clothes.

Delia: "You sure you don't wanna pack any more clothes than this?"

Ash: "Are you crazy? You know I wear the same 5 outfits. That's plenty! Most characters just wear the same 1 outfit."

Delia: *laughs* "And why is that?"

Ash: "Because of TV magic, I guess." *laughs*

As they're almost done packing, ...

Delia: "Where's Pikachu?"

Ash: "Oh, he's in the corner napping. We both need our energy for tomorrow!"

Delia: *smiles* "Are you excited for Professor Oak's camp?"

Ash: "Heck, yes! I'm gonna love Camp Pokémon! This was a good idea from Professor Oak! I heard there were gonna be people from all kinds of regions, from here in Kanto to even Kalos! I'm gonna get to meet a lot of folks and some brand new Pokémon, too!"

Delia: "Kalos, huh? That's where PKU is, right? You're gonna be ready to go there, too?"

Ash: "Yup! College is gonna be awesome! I'll have to work extra hard since I didn't go to the Viridian or the Lavender academies."

Delia: "Right, and also because you waited an extra year. But I know you can do it!"

Ash: "Thanks, mom! I'm gonna be a great Pokémon master and professor!"

Delia: "That's my Ash! ... Oh yeah, before I forget!" *Reaches into her pocket* "So Ash, your birthday is next Sunday, and since you'll be at the camp, I have an early present for you!" *Hands Ash a necklace* "Just something so that you'll always have a piece of home with you wherever you go!"

Ash: "That's amazing, mom! It looks perfect! I'm gonna cherish this always!"

Delia: "I'm glad! You finally won't be a teenager anymore. You're getting old!"

Ash: "Moommmm, 20 isn't old!"

Pikachu: "Pika pika!!" *He joins Ash and Delia*

Delia: *chuckles* "Oh, hey Pikachu! And of course it's not old! ... You're probably gonna meet some old friends at the camp, too! Maybe even Shigeru!"

Ash: "Shigeru? ... Oh, that's Gary, right? Yeah, he actually told me he's gonna be there, which makes sense since his grandfather organized the camp! He's more of a rival than a friend, but I guess he's ok. He irks me sometimes, though!"

Delia: "Wait, I thought Gary was gonna run Professor Oak's lab while he was at the camp."

Ash: "Nah, he has like, assistants to run his lab. Gary's the only one I know who will be there. The camp should have about 40 people, according to Gary. It's gonna be huge!"

Delia: "40 people is way more than I thought. You'll definitely make a lot of friends, then!"

Ash: "And meet tons of new Pokémon! Right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu: "Pi pika chu chu!"

Delia: "Right! Well I'll leave you to finish packing on your own. Get plenty of sleep and we'll head to Saffron City tomorrow afternoon for registration!"

Ash: "Ok, mom! See ya later! And thanks again for my birthday present!"

Delia: "No problem!" *exits room and closes door*

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