Chapter 11

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Ash took Pikachu to the Pokémon Center and now Pikachu is all better. Skip to 6:10pm. All campers are in Saffron Hall. The joint session is almost over.

Professor Oak: "Ok, so I hope you all had a wonderful first day of camp! Now, we have about 5 minutes before this joint session is over, so I'll turn it over to Professor Sycamore for an announcement!"

Professor Sycamore: "I'm happy to announce that the first organized trip this camp will take will be a trip to the Kalos region! You guys will get to explore this wonderful region and the beautiful cities within!"

Serena: *thinking* (Kalos? That's wonderful! Maybe Ash can walk around with me while I take him on a little tour of where I grew up! It'll be great!)

Professor Sycamore: "Now, this trip is still in the planning process, so there aren't a lot of details, yet, but you guys will definitely get to see Pokémon Kalos University, located in Lumiose City, where a lot of you will be attending in the fall! We realize that you're all mostly adults, so just like with any college trip, you can choose whether you wanna go or just stay here at the camp during that time. We do hope you consider it because it's a wonderful opportunity!"

Professor Oak: "Tomorrow will be the same as today, but we'll switch the class sessions. You're all in your same two groups, but Group 1 will go to me first this time and Group 2 goes to Sycamore first. That first session is still at 10am and then everyone switches to the second session at 11:30am. The dining hall schedules will remain the same for the entire camp, with breakfast beginning at 8:30am, lunch provided outside at 1, and then dinner from 7pm to 9pm, with Saffron Hall remaining open until 11pm on weeknights and until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. Any questions?.... If not, you're all dismissed! Have a fantastic night!"

Barry: "Don't tell me what to do. 'Have a fantastic night'? NO!"

The session is dismissed. Everyone disperses and leaves Saffron Hall.

Ash: "Ok, I have less than 45 minutes to get ready for tonight! Pikachu, let's head back to th--"

Someone slightly hugs him from behind.

Serena: "There you are, Ash! Yay! How's my bestie?"

Ash: "Haha, hey, Serena. What's up?"

Serena: "Well, I was thinking that we could go to dinner together here in Saffron Hall at 7. After that, we could just hang out for a bit, talk, get to know each other better, and just have fun! It'll be great!"

Ash: "Sorry, I can't. I'm actually going out to dinner tonight with some friends."

Serena: *disappointedly* "Oh, umm... ok... that's fine..."

Ash: "So, what are you about to do?"

Serena: "Umm... pr-- probably just go to my room."

Ash: "Ok, cool. Well, I guess I'll see ya!"

Serena: "Sure. See ya." ..... "Umm, hey, Ash?"

Ash: "Yeah?"

Serena: "C-- C-- Could we, uhh... maybe later, uhh... w--we... never mind. See ya." *starts to walk away*

Ash: "Hey, Serena?"

Serena: "Yeah?"

Ash: "We'll hang out soon enough. Don't worry. I promise."

Serena: *slightly happier* "Oh, uhh-- great! You rock!"

Skip to 6:48pm in Cabin 103.

Ash: "Hey, Brock and Drew, I'm getting ready to head out to dinner with Gary, Misty, and Iris."

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