Chapter 23

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Ok, we're going to the next day, which is Monday, June 20th. 9:51am. A Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are instructing separate sessions today at the same time, thus splitting the campers up. We're in Saffron Hall now where different campers wait for the first one; some are outside the session rooms, where we are now.

Shauna (Kalos): "HEY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!"

Ash: "What did I do? I'm conf-- Oh wait, you must know about it."

Shauna (Kalos): "Of course I know! She told us last night while we were celebrating with Tessa. New relationship! That's so sweet!"

Ash: *chuckles* "Thanks. We had plenty of time to talk yesterday and she ended up asking if we could be together. I thought we were a great match since I've never felt so comfortable talking to anyone else about life. And you know something else? 3 other girls asked for a relationship before she did and I said no to them all. Something told me to do that. I guess things work out after all."

Shauna (Kalos): "They surely do! Dawn is one of the nicest girls I've met, so I'm sure you two will be great together! I'm gonna go inside now to wait on Nurse Joy, but I'll see you later. Dawn's in Officer Jenny's session, but she told me she'll meet up with you for lunch."

Blah, blah, ok, skip to 11:18am. We're still in Saffron Hall and there's a break between sessions before campers rotate.

Ash: *thinking* (Where's Dawn? I thought she'd be waiting for me out here. Unless she's already inside for the next session. But, we're in separate groups, so shouldn't she be--)

Miette: "Hi, Ash."

Ash: "Oh hey, Miette."

Miette: "Hi, friend. We agreed we'd just be friends, so I just thought I'd be friendly. I'm perfectly fine with no relationship. No hard feelings. How have you been?"

Ash: "Great, actually. Speaking of which, I just got in a relationship with Dawn. It's pretty nice."

Miette: "Dawn?! Really?"

Ash: "Yep. It started yesterday. She's in your group today, right? Is she in the room where your session is about to start?"

Miette: "Umm, yes, she was in there when I left."

Ash: "Hmm, that's strange. There's not much time left on this break, so I guess I'll see her at lunch."

Miette: "You do that; I'm just gonna go speak with one of my roommates in your group."

Miette walks up to Ursula in one of the session rooms.

Ursula: "Miette? This isn't your session. You just had Officer Jenny."

Miette: "I know, dang it. I need you to meet me at lunch to talk about something that just came up. Got it?"

Ursula: "Oh, of course. I'll be there."

Skip to 12:49pm. We're in the courtyard, where lunch will be served soon.

Ash: "Where is she now? I hope we're still eating toge--"

A girl walks up to him from behind, saying hey.

Ash: *as he turns around* "Dawn, there you ar-- Oh, wait. You're not Dawn."

Serena: "No, I'm not. Uhh, you're looking for Dawn?"

Ash: "Yep. You would think that a girlfriend would be there when I'm looking for her, haha."

Serena: "Girlfriend?!!"

Ash: "Uhh, yeah. She's my girlfriend now. Wait, you didn't know?"

Serena: "No! You never told me this."

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