Chapter 24

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Friday, June 24th, 2016: Lumiose City, Kalos. Yeah, this is the day that the campers go to the Kalos region for their trip. Some campers chose to not go and went back to their hometown, but most went on the trip. They've already traveled by plane and just pulled up in a charter bus at the hotel. It's 7:26pm. We join them as they collect their bags and head in the hotel.

Ash: "Man, this place is amazing!"

Pikachu: "Pika pika chu!"

Drew: "Yeah, I must say that this is a nice-looking region."

Sanpei: "It's good to be back in my home region! You know, Kalos is known for its romance and people quickly falling in love."

Brock: "Really, Sanpei? Well, maybe it'll cure me of my continuous failed attempts at love!"

Ash: "That won't be a problem for me because I already have Dawn! After she gets settled in her room, we'll see each other later tonight."

Campers take their belongings to their rooms. It's about 7:52pm. They're all supposed to meet in the lobby at 8:30pm for some announcements. But now, we're in Ash's room.

Drew: "Yo, I haven't been to a bad hotel yet. I could get used to this."

Brock: "It's just 2 beds, so I'll sleep in the chair; I don't mind."

Drew: "This is the city where Pokémon Kalos University is, right?"

Ash: "That's right! We should get a chance to see it tomo--"

There's a banging at the door.

Drew: "Who's knocking like that?" *goes to the door, looks through the peephole, then opens it*

Gary: "What up, Drew boy?" *walks in with Barry* "What are you punks up to?"

Ash: "Enjoying peace and quiet, but not anymore, I guess."

Barry: "Kalos region! This is awesome! Get excited or you're all paying a fine!"

Gary: "So dudes, after the meeting at 8:30, we're gonna walk around to find somewhere to eat, and then we're playing cards in my room later."

Ash: "I probably can't come to the card game because I plan on seeing Dawn later after we eat."

Gary: "Oh yeah, we're in the region of romance! You better see Dawn as often as you can, Ashy boy! Lumiose is a pretty city!"

Ash: "Yep, I will! So, where's Paul?"

Barry: "Oh, he didn't come on this trip. He went back to Sinnoh for the weekend. So, Gary and I got our room to ourselves."

Gary: "He would've just been complaining the whole time anyway, so I have no problem with it."

Meanwhile in Serena's room

Misty: "So just like in Kanto, stay out of our way here, Serena. We don't like you, so just mind your business and everything will be fine."

Iris: "Umm, y-- yeah. What she said!"

Serena: "Ok." *continues unpacking*

Serena: *thinking* (Ash and I were supposed to hang together this entire trip. He didn't even sit with me on the way here. Now, he'll be with Dawn the whole time. Why do I always mess things up?)

8:30pm in the hotel lobby. All campers on this trip are gathered. We're at the end of this brief meeting.

Professor Sycamore: "Again, you're adults, so do what you want tonight. But tomorrow, we're gonna explore more of Lumiose City. I have a friend who's gonna give you all a tour of PKU. Other than that, we'll look at what Kalos has to offer and even examine Mega Evolution in more depth. Now, enjoy the night. If you travel by taxi cabs, stay safe."

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