Chapter 25

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Iris helps Misty out of the river.

Iris: "O-- Ok, Misty... so we're not gonna get angry and we're gonna stay calm, right?"

Misty: *very angrily* "OH, SHUT THE HECK UP! WHERE IS SERENA?! WHERE IS--"

Misty suddenly severely hobbles on her right leg, almost falling down. Iris holds her up.

Iris: "What's wrong, Misty?"

Misty: "I hit my darn foot on the bank when I fell! I freakin' twisted my ankle! WHERE IS SERENA?!"

Iris: "You need to dry your clothes and rest that foot, Kasumi."

Misty: "Then, take me to a Nurse Joy! THEN, I'll beat Serena up later!"

Iris then helps Misty towards the Pokémon Center that's near the campsite. Skip to 10:26am in Cabin 102.

Barry: *enters the bedroom* "Rise and shine, Paulie! This is no time to still be sleep! Bright sunshine would like to make your acquaintance!" *opens the curtains, letting in sunshine in Paul's face*

Paul: *stirs and grumbles* "Man, what th-- what the actual crap are you doing?! Have you lost what little is left of your mind?!"

Barry: "Wakey, wakey, Paulie! Sleepyheads pay a fine in this cabin! Gary's already up!"

Paul: *angrily gets up* "This is why I can't stand you! I can't be here now! And stop calling me 'Paulie'!" *leaves the room and heads towards the front door*

Barry: "I'd never call you that, Paulie! And are you leaving to enjoy the daylight?"

Paul: "I'm getting away from you! Bye!" *storms out*

Gary: "Dude... what made you think that was a good idea?"

Barry: "He'll be fine! We just have to be patient with Paulie!"

Meanwhile, we come back to Serena. She's been basically hiding amongst the trees, and is now just walking through the campsite, avoiding her cabin. She just passed the vacant Cabin 101.

Serena: *thinking* (There's no way I can go back to my cabin. Misty is gonna slaughter me for what I did. Maybe I can stay outside until camp is over. Yeah, that'll wo--)

Serena: *notices Paul approaching* "Uh... hello."

Paul: "Shut up, Sasha." *walks past her*

Serena: "Uhh, it's Serena."

Paul: "Yeah, that's what I said, Sasquatch!!" *walks away*

Serena: *thinking* (Anyway, how am I gonna get out of this? I guess I can't stay outside forever...)

Do you wanna build a snowman?... Too bad, snowmen melt and die, like your dreams. Now, skip to 11:03am. There's a knock at Cabin 207. Shauna answers.

Shauna (Kalos): "Hi, Ash! I'm assuming you're here for Hikari. Want me to get her?"

Ash: "Yep!"

Dawn: *comes to the door* "Hi, baby!"

Ash: "Hey, Dawn. I know that the Kalos trip was pretty busy and chaotic, but since we're back and settled in now, how about we hang sometime today?"

Dawn: "Sounds great! I was gonna go to the computer lab at around 12:30 to check my email because my mom sent me a video message, which we can't check on these Pokédexes. Then, I was gonna have a quick video call with her. But then, we can have lunch together in the courtyard!"

Ash: "Awesome! See you, then!" *they give a quick kiss and Ash leaves*

Shauna (Kalos): "You two are so cute together!"

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