Chapter 22

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So yeah, it's 4 days later. Which means it's Sunday, June 19th. Let's see what shenanigans happen today. First, it's 9:43am in Saffron Hall.

Ash: "Hi! How have you been?"

Lyra: "I've been great! And you?"

Ash: "Good. I was just on the way to the computer lab."

Lyra: "Oh, nice. Hey, I wanted to thank you again for how you helped me with my Chikorita. We've been getting along very well over the past few weeks."

Ash: "Glad I could help!"

Lyra: "Yeah, and... I wanted to ask you something."

Ash: "Ask away."

Lyra: "Well... it's just that... I think you're a great friend and I wanna get to know you more... would you like to go on a date with me?"

Ash: "A date? Like a potential relationship kind of date?"

Lyra: "Well we don't need to label everything with adjectives, but yes!" *giggles*

Ash: "Lyra, I'm sorry, but I don't like you in that kind of way."

Lyra: "Oh... you don't?"

Ash: "No. I'm sorry if I ever gave off the wrong message."

Lyra: "N-- No, it's ok. Well... thanks for being honest."

Ash: "You're welcome. I'll see you around, Lyra." *walks away*

10:00am in Cabin 103. There's a knock at the door. Brock answers.

Gary: "Rise and shine, punks! What's up, Brock and Drew?" *they greet him*

Gary: "So, where's Ash?"

Brock: "He went to the computer lab."

Gary: "Got it. You're all going on the Kalos trip next weekend?"

Brock: "You bet! Beautiful Kalos girls await Brock Harrison! It's a region of romance!"

Drew: "Yeah, I'm going."

Gary: "You're gonna be hanging there with your buddy, May, right?"

Drew: "Of course. I'm seeing her later today as well."

Gary: "I gotta ask ya man... You two a couple?"

Drew: "No man, I just like her as a friend."

Gary: "She feels the same way?"

Drew: "Yes, man. She knows we're friends. I don't really like anyone here; guess I'm not really looking for someone yet. Just enjoying life, bro."

Gary: "Suit yourself."

10:18am. Cabin 207.

Shauna (Kalos): "Well, there she is! Hey, birthday girl!"

Dawn: "Happy birthday, Tessa!"

Shauna (Hoenn): "Thanks, girls! Yay, I'm 20!"

Dawn: "What are you doing today?"

Shauna (Hoenn): "Oh yeah, we were gonna tell you. Daisy agreed to drive Shauna and me out so we can all hang wherever I wanted. You wanna come?"

Dawn: "Oh sorry, I was hoping to hang with Ash today at this park I recently found out about. I hope it's ok if I take a rain check."

Shauna (Hoenn): "Fine with me! Don't wanna spoil your plans."

Shauna (Kalos): "You and Ash have been hanging out a lot. Glad you two are getting along so well."

Dawn: "Thanks! It won't be until the afternoon, so let's hang here until Daisy comes to pick you girls up."

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