Chapter 9

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The next day: Monday, May 16th, 2016

8:30am in Cabin 103

Ash: (waking up) "Hey Pikachu, it's the first official day of camp! Let's get ready!"

Pikachu: "Pika pika chu!"

A few minutes later in the living room.

Brock: "Hey Ash, are you always up this early?"

Ash: "When I'm excited, yes! I'm so ready for camp! Is Drew up?"

Brock: "No, he's still sleep. Wanna wait on him or go on to breakfast?"

Ash: "Let's go! I'm too excited to stay here. He'll catch up!"

Meanwhile in Cabin 207 in the living room

Shauna: "Hey there, Dawn! You ready to go to breakfast?"

Dawn: "Hey Shauna! And not yet, I'll be ready in a minute!" *leaves to go to the back of the cabin*

Dawn: *thinking* (Why didn't Ash come over to see me last night after orientation? Did... did I make him mad? ....)

Inside Saffron Hall at 9:52am

Ash: "Ok Pikachu, we're in umm.... classroom 1A! Which is... over there!"

Ash walks to the outside of the classroom where a few other campers are and sees someone.

Ash: "Huh?"

Ash: *thinking* (Oh, there's Red Girl! We're in the same group! Now I can find out her name and we'll get to hang out!)

Ash: *walks over to her* "Hey there!"

May: "Oh, hi!"

Ash: "I'm Ash! What's your name?"

May: "I'm May!"

Ash: "May? I've been calling her Red Girl all this time and her name is as simple as May?"

May: "Huh?"

Ash: "Oh sorry, that was supposed to be a thought."

May: "Well actually, my first name is Haruka, but I go by May. And hey Ash, nice to meet you!"

Ash: "Same here! You seem nice and I was wondering if we could umm... hang out sometime after lunch today."

May: "Sorry, I can't. I have other plans then."

Ash: "Oh. Well I understand."

May: *chuckles* "I'll see you later! I'm gonna go inside and wait on Professor Oak!" *goes inside the classroom*

Ash: (quietly) "Ugh. That sucks. I really wanted to spend time with her. She's so beautiful."

Someone taps him on the shoulder.

Lyra: "Hey! I'm Lyra! How are you?"

Ash: "Hey. I'm Ash. Bye."

Ash goes into the classroom.

Lyra: "Umm... ok... was it something I said?"

Inside the classroom at 9:55am before Professor Oak's session begins

Dawn: *thinking* (There's Ash. I wonder if I should go talk to him) (Hmmm... I... maybe not... I'll see him later...)

Flannery: *walks into the classroom* "Hey, Ash! There you are!"

Ash: "Hey, Flannery! I see I'll never have to worry about being away from you for too long!" *chuckles*

Flannery: "Of course, guy! I'll just sit here by you, buddy!"

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