Chapter 3 - The Chocobo Post, pt 2

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The sounds of dancing leaves surrounded you, Gladio and Ignis. The three of you were gathered around a small camping site near the large lake. Prompto was busy taking pictures of Noctis, who was striking funny poses in front of the lake. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot. You also had quite an interesting talk with Gladiolus, about each others' lives and such. Of course, you didn't tell him about your past, but you had unintentionally hinted that your past wasn't a nice time.

"Y/N, can I speak to you for a moment?" Ignis asked, then he was met with a disappointed look from Gladio.

"Intruding on our nice conversation, I see," he sighed.

"Hmm, I have something important to discuss with her," Ignis replied, keeping his neutral tone. He looked at you for approval.

"It's fine with me..." you answered, then stood up from the ground. You brushed off some sand from your legs, then proceeded to follow Ignis. He didn't walk far, just far enough so the others wouldn't hear or see too much.

"You're troubled," Ignis stated out of the blue, looking right at you. "Is it something I need to keep in the back of my head?"

You looked at Ignis for a few good seconds. Shocked, you opened your mouth for a few seconds, then you covered it. He could tell so much from just so little time... "What a professional man," you thought before you replied, "It won't interfere..." Being such an anxious person, you thought you were a bother.

"I wasn't asking if it would interfere or not. Do I need to take extra caution?" Ignis explained, making you go "O".

"I'm not sure," you started, making Ignis think, "it kicks in pretty randomly..."

"I'd say that is a very valid reason for me to keep an eye out for you. We don't want any complications. Especially in a difficult situation," said Ignis.

"Aren't you going to ask about why?"

"Unless you want me to, I won't intrude on your privacy."

"Thank you very much. I'll let you know when I feel it coming," you replied first with gratitude, then ensured him that you'd make sure it was under control. The tall one seemed grateful that you were so cooperative. Both of you returned to Gladiolus and the others afterward, it was only a quick talk.

"Are you okay Y/N? Sit here," ordered Gladio when you came into visibility. You carefully shuffled over to him, not knowing how to politely turn him down. So next to Gladio you sat, trying to keep a distance from him without looking like you despise him. He was a nice guy anyway.

"Jeez, talk about being hungry," whispered Prompto to Noctis while looking Gladiolus being the usual smooth flirt.

"You never know what Ignis says to women, he's a real mystery," Gladio chuckles while yet again meeting Ignis' annoyed look. They never stop kidding around, while they all have so much respect for him. It was a really interesting relationship.


"Everyone ready to jump back on?" You smiled as you grabbed your chocobo's reins, looking at the others, who were preparing to take their leave. It was important to leave a campsite the way you found it! The others gave you signals of agreements and got on top of the birds. You were all going to return back to the Chocobo Post. And really, the guys were overjoyed. Even if chocobo riding was a really fun activity, when you weren't used to it your entire backside would hurt for days after a trip like that.

Birds flapped above your heads as you returned to the earthly path you had walked on earlier. The guys weren't quiet, as Prompto hummed the same tune as he did before he arrived at the post, and the prince and his advisor chatted peacefully. Noctis had opened up a little during the ride, which warmed you up quite a bit.

"I can't wait to see what other things you can do," sounded Gladiolus as he moved his gaze from the surroundings to your pretty features. You blushed, then shook off the compliment like it wasn't true.

"Ah, it's just something I've grown up with," you replied, shaking off the compliment like it was nothing. It really was, though! All of you soon arrived at the ranch and cared for the animals before letting them loose in the paddock. The night sky slowly ate away the light of day, and you all settled in the caravan for the night. You didn't know what the guys were planning, but you knew it was big and that you needed to get a good night's rest.

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