Chapter 4 - Ambushed!

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It was six in the morning, and the weather was cloudy with a chance of rain. Chocobos were heard in the background, and overall it was quite the atmosphere to wake up to. Noctis and Prompto, though, were basically braindead as they slowly digested the soup in front of them. Ignis and Gladio on the other hand seemed completely fine with waking up so early. It scared you a little, how anyone could enjoy waking up as early as five-thirty. But so it was, these guys had a lot of things to do!

"This soup is nice," Noctis bluntly broke the silence in a tired matter, scratching his hell of a bed hair.

"I knew you liked this one, you had it back at Hammerhead a few years back. I managed to grab the recipe while we were there," Ignis replied quite proudly it seemed and took off his glasses to clean them with a white, silk hand chief. Noctis only replied with an unenthusiastic hum.

"Y/N, are you used to waking up this early?" asked Gladiolus as he put his long hair up in a messy knot. His sudden interest caught you off guard and you cleared your throat.

"I mean, I do live on a farm, but I'm not a huge fan of waking up early to feed the chocobos. I usually feed them later in the day. Although Wiz didn't always have this kind of mercy on me," you chuckled.

"How so?" Gladiolus initiated conversation once more.

"When I first came here, he was rather tough, but he loosened up after a few years. I didn't mind back then, though."

"Hmm, you're still pretty tough to me," he complimented, quickly making you red and at the loss of words.

"If I dare intrude on your nice conversation, I believe this would be a good time to say farewell to Wiz and prepare for your leave, Y/N. I think it would be wise for us to leave at seven," Scientia cut your embarrassment short when he reminded you about what was to come.

"Of course!" you replied and got up from the plastic chair. Then you headed for your father and looked for him in the place he usually hung out. He always had customers to serve, even in the early morning. In the countryside, working men and women were always up early. "Wiz!" you called out when you saw him cleaning a table, "I'm here!"

"Ah, Y/N! Glad yer up now." Wiz smiled seeing your presence, but there was also a hint of sadness to it. "Mr. Scientia talked to me this mornin', about yer decision. At first, I was madder than a wet chocobo at their irresponsibility to tag you along! But the man talked some sense into me. He saw something in you that I never could myself," Wiz explained, and gestured you to follow him. "I have somethin' for you, something that'll help when yer in the big world. Just don't pull it out in the middle of a city... Townsfolk don't like this kinda stuff," he said so suspiciously as he walked into the saddle room for the chocobos. All in the back was a big, locked cabinet. It was lined with rust, and you knew very well what kind of cabinet it was. He fiddled around in his pocket before he found a copper key and unlocked the weapon cabinet. Inside was a long hunting shotgun. Wiz's old all-time favourite weapon.

"I want you to have this girl, I know it's been a while since you were out shootin' birds with me, but yer aim was as good as a true champion," he said so proudly, "just promise me, don't ever take a human life, Y/N," he warned. It took a while before you sorted out what words to say, to put it mildly. You were shocked, Wiz never allowed you to use his shotgun, and now he was giving it to you as a gift. He truly loved you, and he was terrified to let you go.

"I promise. Thank you so much, Wiz..." you replied forever thankful, "you don't need to worry about me, I don't want you to, at least," you added and leaned in for a hug, squeezing him as tightly as you could before letting him go.

"Now, go. They are waiting for you, and you need to pack, Y/N." Wiz gave you a last smile before you were off.


Faithful - Ignis Scientia x Abused!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now