Chapter 12 - Confessions

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You knocked on Ignis' door before turning the door knob. He had just texted you to meet him in his hotel room, leaving your feelings all over the place. His room of all places. Stepping through the door, you were immediatly met with the damp smell of a shower. Ignis sat on a couch in the lounge area of the room, hair unkempt and still wet. What a sight he was with his hair down...

"'Afternoon, Y/N," he said. You greeted him back as you sat down next to him. It was then you were met with a surprising, but just amazing smell. Ignis was wearing a cologne, and damn was it good. It caught you off guard for a moment, but Ignis' question pulled you out of your thoughts.

"How's your injuries?" asked Ignis with a concerned face.

«They're okay. I'm healing up quickly,» you replied with a relieving smile, making him less worried.

«I'm glad,» Ignis said, then sighed remembering what he brought you there for. He continued: «As you know, Noct's dream was a cause of concern due to them often being prophetic.»

You nodded, but had a hard time understanding the situation; prophecies weren't something you were familiar with. You'd heard about them because of the widespread beliefs of Lucia, but you hadn't worked out an opinion of them just yet. Maybe that would change by that evening.

"There isn't much to say except that we will have to take precautions about this happening. If anything happens to you, we cannot hesitate to take action." Ignis was very serious, which was absolutely terrifying.

You nodded in reply; "I understand. You must do what you have to." The severity of the situation made you nervously shift in your seat.

"I'm glad to hear. For now, I don't have much to say; I just want you to be woke. The thing Noctis saw was a daemonic transformation, something we have little knowledge of. If you feel anything, or experience something, I want you to tell me immediatly. Is that all right?"

"Yes." Your reply was quick, but you didn't really have a choice to answer differently. If you said "no" you'd probably be off the team.

"Then things are well. I hope I didn't scare you too much," Ignis said, a bit casually. "We just need to know that we agree."

You chuckled nervously. "Again, I understand. You're protectors of Noctis."

"I'm relieved to hear that you see the seriousness of our mission," Ignis replied, and gave you a glimpse of that comforting smile of his. It made you think, that smile. So far, and so quickly, Ignis had become like a safe haven to you. He took you seriously, and could read you like a book. What if you told him of your past, now that you had the chance?

No, you were too afraid. It was too early to mention Wolfe. Was mentioning him even worth it?

You noticed that the air had run dry, and there was a dragging tension between you and Ignis. You remembered what Prompto had told you about him. Ignis liked you; he was different around you, and now you were alone together.


This was your chance.


"Yes, Y/N?"

Your heart travelled to your throat; it was like you couldn't breathe. What if you ruined everything, what if Ignis didn't like you back and it was all in your head? You struggled to continue, but that cologne, it was impossible to resist... This would surely be the death of you.

"I- I, um," you looked back up at him and met his eyes. You were close. If you wanted to, you could kiss him. The thought was tempting, and you felt your eyes fall on his pout. His lips were moist and looked so kissable, if only you were brave enough to-

Ignis leaned in; eyes soft and his hand brushing against your face in the sweetest way. His cheeks were flushed, his heart beat fast... Finally, he let his lips hug yours. Your heart stopped, and you felt a wave of excitedness flow through your weak body. His lips felt so soft and nice on yours... You couldn't believe it was happening.

You let your hand wander behind his head, and entangled your fingers between his strands. That showed him that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. Ignis took the hint, and let his lips move in a soft motion. You followed, matching his rythmn with the same, soft movement.

Few seconds into the kiss, you pulled away with a deep breath. "I love the way you are," you said, breathy voice and eyes locked with his own green orbs. It drove him mad, and all he could answer with was resuming the kiss. Ignis' hand was now firm around your waist, the other around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body. You could even feel his heartbeat through the thin fabric of his shirt.

When you felt that wave upon your body once again, you opened your mouth by instinct, letting his tongue enter. Being in Ignis' grip made you feel so safe, like nothing could hurt you anymore. He didn't force anything upon you, and his hands didn't leave bruises. Ignis was divine, and you'd been lucky enough to be chosen.

Tongues danced; feeling and tasting each other. Your mind was nearly empty, it was all about Ignis. Your instincts took it all a bit further when you bit hold of his bottom lip, showcasing your hint of playfulness. Ignis joined the game by gently pushing you down against the couch, then hovering above you.

Now that you had both pulled away, you looked into his eyes, which were busy taking in the beauty of your face.
"I...I've wanted to do this for a while," he admitted while caressing your soft cheeks. "I love your wit, your beauty, your charms, everything... Do you feel the same about me?" he asked, being the gentleman he was.

You smiled; his words were like silk; smooth and comfortable. You felt yourself swooning over the man, being completely lost in his trance.

"Yes." Your reply was simple, but the simplicity was all Ignis needed to feel confident about his actions. Therefore he continued by kissing the edges of your jawline, slowly making his way down your neck; leaving a few marks along the way.

You pulled him down, making the two of you lay by each others side. Ignis was still busy leaving your neck spotted, making you go crazy for more. Yours and Ignis' fingers folded, like you were connecting. Still, your mind was blank. Nothing could pull you out of your trance.

Yet it all ended when Ignis' phone lighted up and started playing that familiar jingle. Noctis' full name covered the screen, along with a photo of him and Prompto doing a selfie pose. The sight was disappointing, but at least the photo was cute.

Ignis sighed; "I have to take it," he mumbled, clearly not wanting to.

"Don't worry about it," you said carelessly with a smile. For that, Ignis was thankful. He moved away from your body - taking the warmth with him - and grabbed the phone. He cleared his voice before answering.

"Yes, Noct?"

"Where are you? Why are you taking so long?" The impatient words of Noctis caused Ignis to bring up his left arm, which had a watch on it. His eyes widened a bit. Did Ignis really lose track of time? He never did that...

"My apologies, I'll be there in five," answered Ignis before hearing a sighing Noctis, answering only with "sure". After hanging up, he looked back at you. "We were going to eat out. I apologize, Y/N, but I promised," he excused himself before giving you a little peck on your two lips, like he was trying to compensate.

"Do what you have to and don't worry about me," you told him sincerely. Again, he appreciated that you respected him. But in all honesty, you did want him all to yourself.

"Thank you." Ignis stood up from the couch and went to grab his blazer. He swung it around him and let it hug his upper body. Ignis then realigned his glasses at last. You looked at him from where you laid, just adoring the way he looked. You were not afraid of looking at him anymore.

Noticing you staring, Ignis spoke; "I'll be sure to make up for this. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."

"Enjoy yourself," you replied before he disappeared out the door. All too quick, and you felt yourself become sad.

Silence embraced you, and you couldn't quite fathom what has happened. Prompto wasn't lying to say the least. What would this lead to?

Faithful - Ignis Scientia x Abused!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin