Chapter 5 - Tension in Lestallum

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Prompto pulled off his jacket and tied it around his waist. The hot and humid weather embraced his skin as he did so, causing him to wipe the sweat off his forehead. You had all had just gotten out of the Regalia after a long ride. Ignis was stretching his arms, and Gladiolus turned to see the great view behind him. He smiled shortly after.

"Would you look at that," the shield said in awe as he walked towards the end of the platform.

"Whoah! That's the meteor, right?" Prompto exclaimed while hurrying towards Gladio to see. Soon they were all gathered at the edge and enjoying the view. Ignis cleaned his glasses with that silk hand chief before redirecting his eyes to the open space in front of him. The huge crater was at the centre of the gorgeous view, showcasing the mystery of Lucis. Even if one wasn't a believer in the supernatural, one had to agree that it was a strange and intriguing sight.

"The Disc of Cauthess... City landscape can't quite compete, even from the top of the Citadel," Scientia said, "it is said a Titan, or the Archaean caught the meteor in the Age of Gods," he shortly explained. He caught Noctis' attention at the mention of a titan.

"Ignis?" Noct said.


"I- I need to speak with you," the prince said in a quiet matter, leaving Ignis looking like a question mark.

"Now? Can't you wait until we arrive at the hotel?" glasses replied with a concerned look. You couldn't help but be curious, but you kept your distance. Intruding was never a good idea, even if you were only worried.

"It's kinda ... important," Noctis answered before placing his hand on his forehead like he was in pain. Ignis immediately noticed his state. With the half-closed eyelids, the nauseous look on his face, Noctis seemed like he was going to faint. And Ignis' calculations were right. The weakened prince swayed around a little before all of a sudden he fell straight into Ignis' arms.

"Noct!" Scientia yelled - but calmed down seeing that Noctis hadn't completely faded. You too were relieved.

"I'll be fine..." the black-haired replied before getting back up on his feet or at least tried to.

"Your state certainly tells us otherwise," Gladiolus said protectively as always and scanned the young one. Gladio ended up picking up Noctis in his arms. With ease, of course.

"Gladio, I'm not a child!!" Noctis expressed embarrassment by being carried around like that. The prince was already feeling useless enough as it was. But it was necessary.

"This is not normal. I won't let you walk through this crowded place like that," the shield replied strictly. Ignis nodded in agreement.

"I agree, the talking should happen when you're in safety," Ignis said. You and Prompto kinda just stood there, a bit awkward, watching as the older two of the group handled the situation smoothly.

"Then, let's meet up with Iris immediately," Gladiolus said at last before he started walking towards the city of Lestallum. This unlucky event stripped away the fun of seeing the place again, as you'd just retreat to the hotel.

You turned your eyes to Prompto, who was walking right by you. "Who's Iris?" you asked puzzled.

"Gladio's sister, she found refuge here in Lestallum after the attack on Insomnia," the blonde shortly explained, "some servants of the family came with her, too," he added. You nodded in reply, thinking things through. The attack was gruesome, you had heard. Not a lot of thought was given to it, but so many people were murdered that day. You felt bad for not knowing as much as you should have. No wonder Noctis was so traumatized, even if he wasn't there.


It had been about thirty minutes since Prince Noctis collapsed. Overall the situation was weary, and you were quite sad about not being able to see Lestallum that day, but it was for good reason after all. You found yourself pondering in the cozy lobby of a hotel called Leville, waiting for Iris to arrive. Somehow the hotel still tasted of luxury, even if the paint was fading off the cement walls. It must've been the glossy checkered floor and the modern interior because you certainly felt the exclusive feeling. You were caught off guard when you heard someone running into the room.

"Gladdy!" A dark-haired girl yelled as she ran towards Gladio, who was seated next to you. He stood up with a big smile.

"My little sister!" he exclaimed at her presence. Iris hugged him so tightly even a giant like him let out a little sound of discomfort.

"So that's Iris..." you thought to yourself. She was stunning and certainly looked like another city person just like the others. Her short red skirt, the not so practical boots, and the cute top fit her so well. You felt yourself feeling a bit jealous while watching her and "Gladdy" exchange their helloes.

"I was out in town while you guys arrived, is everything fine? Where's Noctis?" Iris asked her brother, hugging his arm tightly.

"About Noctis..." Gladiolus started but was interrupted by Ignis who quietly came down the stairs.

"Noct is recovering quickly," Ignis stated as he gracefully stepped into the lobby. Behind him came two people you hadn't seen before: an old man and a young boy. "So far it only seems like exhaustion. He will be fine for now," Scientia shortly explained before greeting Iris.

"Wait, Noctis is hurt?!" Iris asked distressed as her smile turned into a concerned look.

"As I said, he will be fine," Ignis repeated.

"Jared and Talcott. So good to see you!" Gladio exclaimed seeing the two. His smile never left his face even for a second, he seemed to have a close relation to them. "Glad you all made it out in one piece," the shield added before giving the young boy, Talcott, a fist bump.

"Same to you, Amicitia," the elder, Jared, replied, "we ought to keep serving your name, even outside the Crown City." They were family servants of Gladio, sacrificing comfort and luxury for him. You weren't a fan of the concept, coming from a farm and all, but you did see how content Jared and Talcott seemed. Gladiolus also seemed like a nice guy to work for as well.

"I truly appreciate that you take care of my sister when I'm not available, Jared. And you too Talcott!" Gladio thanked as he rubbed the young boy's hair.

After a while Ignis sat down next to you, quite nervously, like he wanted to say something... You realized that you were the one who had to initiate a conversation, as the tactician wasn't going to.

"Is Prompto still with Noctis?" you asked the first question that popped into your head. It was quite quick and empty, but it was something. Ignis readjusted his glasses before replying.

"Yes," he said, then took a moment to think about what to say next, "I'm quite sad that we didn't get to see Lestallum today. Even Noct seemed pretty excited about that at one point."

You nodded and thought to yourself; maybe the two of you could go out and look around. If there was time, of course. "What about taking a walk in town tonight? If there's time and Noctis' condition is still stable."

Ignis seemed a bit hesitant at first but agreed to your offering. "I suppose that would be all right," he said, "but only if the situation is under control."

"Sounds like we have a deal then," you smiled playfully before taking up your phone to keep the conversation from turning awkward. To think he'd actually spend time with you.

"Yes, a deal..." Ignis came to an end. 

Faithful - Ignis Scientia x Abused!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now