The journey

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"Hurry up sweetie or you are gonna miss your flight "my mom yelled from downstairs. Today was the day I was finally moving to London! Quickly I got my suitcase and my phone and ran downstairs where I saw my best friend J. J and I were moving to London together it has been our dream since we were in high school. "You ready" J squealed. "Duh" I said in a playful tone. I quickly said goodbye to my dad and my little brother Kane and just like that my mom drove me and J to the airport.

When we got to terminal B I said goodbye to my mom and took J's hand and ran through the airport. Ten minutes later we were on the plane. The minute we took off I fell asleep, I hadn't gotten any sleep last night I was just too exited! The rest of the flight was a blur then I got shaken awake by J. Of course I got woken up when I was having a really good dream. She was talking so fast, I couldn't understand anything she was saying. I only got a few words like plane, London, here. Then the pilot came on the speaker saying that we were about to land. I was squealing with joy, inside my head of course. Thirty minutes later we were in the airport we got our luggage and called a cab. It took us an hour to get from the airport to the flat we bought. Can you imagine an hour of awkward  silence? I paid the cab driver and walked into the building once we got to the flat we were amazed it was way bigger than we thought when you walked in there was a long hallway with two doors which I assumed were the bedrooms then at the end of the hallway there was an opening that led to the living room then in the living room there was an entryway to the kitchen "well time to start getting unpacked" J sighs. "What time are the movers getting here" and just on cue I got a call from the movers saying that they were downstairs. J and I started walking downstairs to get all of our belongings. " A little to the right" I hear J say while the movers are trying to get the couch situated. It had already been an hour and I was finally going down to get my last box in my opinion it was my most valuable box, it had everything maze runner that I owned it had all the books, my hoodie that I got made,and the movie. I was really exited because they were finally making a second movie. I started to walk back upstairs daydreaming about newt who was played by Thomas Brodie Sangster and I felt a sudden impact then I was on the floor. I heard a British accent say "Oh I'm sorry love are you ok" without looking up I said "I'm fine it's my fault I wasn't paying attention" I started picking up my stuff and the accent said "Let me get that for you" then I heard him say "Oh your a fan of maze runner" and without thinking I started babbling on and on about how newt was my favorite character and how I love how Thomas Brodie Sangster portrayed him. When I was done babbling I looked up to see a smiling Thomas Brodie Sangster standing above me. I mumbled "holy shuck under my breath" but apparently he heard me and I started blushing madly. Embarrassed I stood up and grabbed my stuff from him as I started walking off I felt someone grab my wrist and say"It was nice meeting you love" then he walked away.

Later that night I was unpacking my maze runner box and I found a piece of paper in it it said "my number give me a call love" and at the bottom it had a heart on it then I screamed. Not even five seconds later J came bursting into my room "Oh my god madi you scared the Klunk out of me I thought you were getting murdered" she yelled. "What the bloody hell were you yelling about" I just started smiling uncontrollably and showed her the note and she squealed too. After about five minutes of freaking out I decided to go to bed, I mean it was 11:00 I decided that I would call him in the morning

A/n sorry if this chapter is short it's my first chapter until next time

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