Hiking fiasco

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the flowing of a stream somewhere near by. 'What a peaceful way to wake up',I thought to myself.I felt stirring next to me and saw that Thomas still had his arm wrapped around my waist. Smiling to myself I slowly moved his arm and left the tent. I walked out to find Will cooking sausage over a fire. Suddenly I remembered that we were going on a hike today. "Good morning Will". "Oh I didn't see you there,morning Madi". "Is anybody else awake yet?" "Yea Ki is down by the stream getting more firewood and Dylan is in his tent I think." "Ok well I'm gonna go get changed." "Ok bye Madi." With that I smiled and walked back to the tent. I heard movement coming from inside the tent which meant that Thomas had woke up. Without thinking I unzipped the tent and Thomas was only in his boxers,blushing I quickly turned away. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Thomas I didn't know that you were changing!" "It's ok don't worry about it," he said as he pulled on some pants and a shirt. "Ok well I'm going to go get breakfast." "Ok I'll be out there in a minute." I found a pink crop top and some shorts and put them on then I put my hair in a messy bun and threw on some tennis shoes. I came out to find Kaya sitting next to will eating breakfast, Dylan and Thomas by the fire adding more sticks and I had no idea where Ki was. "Hey guys,where is Ki?" " I think he is still out collecting fire wood," Dylan said. "Guys he has been out for a while maybe we should go look for him," I questioned. "Yea I think Madi has a point," Will said. "Ok you guys stay here while Madi and I go look for him," Dylan said as he jumped out of his seat. We started to walk off and bad things started to come to my mind 'what if someone kid napped him or what if a bear got him oh my god what if he fell down and hurt himself and can't walk!' I though all of these things and I didn't even realize that Dylan was taking to me. "Am I right?" Was all I heard Dylan say. "Sorry I was lost in thought can you repeat that?" "I was saying that I think that Baseball is better than football." "Well I wouldn't really know because I don't watch a lot of sports."We finally reached the stream and I saw one of my worst nightmares.

There on the ground was Ki lying still next to the stream and a pile of wood. "Oh my god Dylan what do we do?!" I was pacing about frantically now while biting my nails. "Ok well he is breathing so that's a good sign." "I think we should call 911 and do compressions. "Ok you start compressions and I will get 911 on the phone," I frantically said. "Hi I'm camping with my friends and we found our other friend unconscious in the woods he is breathing but we don't know what to do." "Ok can you give me you're location?" We are at sunny hills campsite In campsite 27." "Ok we will send somebody as fast as we can." "Ok thank you." I hung up and ran back over to Dylan. "How is it going Dylan is he responding?" "No but we can't give up." "Ok 911 said that the paramedics should be here in about 5 minutes"
Five minutes later
The paramedics got there just in time. They loaded Ki into the ambulance and drove off. Dylan went with them while I went back to the campsite. "Ok so we need to pack up and get to the hospital." "Ok sounds good Madi,"Kaya said. "Kaya you and Madi go get all the food while Will and I take down the tents," Thomas ordered. About 15 minutes later we were on our way to the hospital to see Ki. We pulled up and Dylan was in the parking lot tapping his foot impatiently. "They said that we have to wait and hour until we can see him." "Well how was he in the ambulance," Kaya questioned. "He was doing fine but he was still unconscious when we pulled up to the hospital." "Do they know if it's anything serious," Kaya questioned. "They said that he thinks he sprained his ankle then passed out." Dylan was worried,we were all worried but I don't think anybody was as much as Dylan. Then I got a text from J.

J-hey girl how is it going?
Madi-not so good we just got to the hospital☹️
J-Oh my god what happened!!
Madi-Ki was getting fire wood and he sprained his ankle.
J-Oh no, is he okay now?
Madi-we don't know he is unconscious.
J- well I wish I could come down but there are no flights until tomorrow.
Madi- Well I guess I will see you tomorrow.
J-ok love you bye.
Madi- love you too bye.

"Hey guys is anybody else getting hungry," Thomas asked. "I am but I think it's bad timing,"Will said. "Dylan, Kaya and I can stay here and you and Will can go get some food." "Ok sounds good Madi," Will said. With that they left while Dylan Kaya and I went inside and hoped that Ki was doing fine.

A/n Hey guys sorry it took so long to update, school and volleyball have been really stressful but I will try to update more. Until next chapter

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