Coffee run

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I woke up at 7:00 am that morning. I decided that it was too early to call Thomas so I went out and got coffee for J and I. I left the lobby and started walking down the street with the cold London air greeting me. As I was walking I ran into someone and fell to the ground. Then I heard the familiar British accent say "We have to stop meeting like this love". Then he helped me up and asked what I was doing up so early so we talked and he walked with me to the nearest coffee shop. Once we got there the barista greeted us with a friendly smile and asked us if we were ready to order. "Um can I have a tall Carmel frappe and a tall green tea frappe please". "Thomas do you want anything"? I asked "No thanks love". When I payed Thomas and I sat at a booth, though Thomas looked really nervous and started playing with his fingers. 'I wonder why he looks so nervous' I thought. Then what felt like ages of silence he spoke up and said "Love do you want to go on a date tonight?" I was literally screaming inside of my head right now and I could feel my cheeks heating up I was trying to say something but all that came out was a little gasp. But then I regained myself and said "I would love too." And with that my name was called so I could go grab my coffee. I got my coffee and said goodbye to Thomas then walked back to the flat. On my way back to the flat I checked my phone and I had already got a text from Thomas.

Thomas-hey madi I forgot to say that I was going to pick you up at 8:00. Is that a good time?

Madi- 8:00 is just fine for me, and where are we going?

Thomas- that would be a surprise love but dress nice.

Madi-hmmmm ok

While giggling to myself I walked into the flat to see J sitting on the couch watching teen wolf. She saw the coffee and jumped up off of the couch. Did I mention that she can't function without her coffee. She snatched the coffee from my hands and went back to the couch,rolling my eyes I said "Thank you madi you are the most best friend anyone could ask for" she just giggled and said thank you. Then I went and turned the T.V off and she whined "Hey I was watching that." Then I said "Fine guess you don't want to hear about the date I got tonight." She quickly turned her head to me and jumped off of the couch squealing "Oooh my best friends got a date tonight." And started doing this weird dance. When she was done with her dance we both sat on the couch and she said "Spill the tea" so I told her about how I ran into Thomas and she just squealed more. The rest of the afternoon we just chilled on the couch and watched teen wolf and maze runner.

A/n hey guys sorry for the short chapter and late update. And now that i think about it y'all no nothing about me so here are some things about me
1. My name is Madison but I go by madi
2. My best friend is Jordyn but I call her J (hints to why she is in this story)
3. I love the maze runner movies and books and I absolutely love Thomas Brodie Sangster
4. I love volleyball
5. One of my dreams in life is to meet Thomas Brodie Sangster and the cast of the maze runner someday
That's all you need to know about me so thank you for reading. Until  next time


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