VI. Him

821 41 21

September 28th 2020

It didn't take long for Cam to pick up the camera after that day as she suddenly gained the motivation to do so as she went to the oak tree with the camera bag in hand.

However even if she did have the motivation, there was still that part of her that was lost and had never been able to get it back.

she started to take pictures of things that didn't really seem to matter and things that didn't really seem so significant to her.

Because love used to be art and art used to be love.

But she didn't really have love anymore now that there were no more rings and no more wise words and goofy smiles along with the jokes and laughter.

And it didn't really help that she accidentally took a picture of Harry walking towards the oak tree, that being the best picture she took in years.

It was kind of a big mess.

"Hey, I didn't think I'd be seeing you today," he said as he came beside her, taking his stuff out of his bag.

He decided on focusing with black and white paint today since he was so used to using colour now.

Because of Cam.

But he now wanted to go back to black and white paint to see why he was so against colour in the first place.

"Neither did I but umm..." she stopped briefly playing with the sleeves of her oversized sweater before looking back at his green eyes that were looking at her. "I figured I would try my best to get into the groove of things you know."

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked and he knew she would say yes but it wouldn't be because she necessarily wanted him there but because she felt like she had to.

She shrugged. "I mean you're already here and technically this was your place first right?"

He let out a small chuckle that managed to reach his eyes. "I remember when that was the argument for like a month. You were so stubborn."

"Yeah well so were you," she said back as she shook her head and smiled. "Thinking back on it though you were here first but I made the first interaction with you since you're too damn shy."

And secretly they did miss this; the sarcasm, the small laughs and smiles.

But they weren't Cam and Harry.

"I wasn't that shy," Harry rebutted although he well knew that he wasn't much of a talker before he met her.

"Bullshit. You were so focused on your art I'm surprised you even had friends to begin with. So you're welcome."

"I didn't even say thank you."

"You don't need to, I already know you're thankful."

And Cam really wanted to open up to him completely and although that was what her heart was saying she did otherwise because she knew it was an ignorant choice.

All she had to do was think of the hickeys and the red lips and being in a bed that was made for two by herself and it wasn't really hard to close herself back up as she continued taking pictures at random sceneries.

But Harry knew her like he knew art and he could tell that she regretted letting loose for a bit with him.

"So um," he cleared his throat. "Can I see the pictures you've taken so far?" He asked awkwardly. He knew how she was with her pictures but he was one of the only people that she used to like sharing them with. "Unless... you don't want me to it's fine if you don't-"

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