Chapter 6 - One Step Ahead (Pre-debut)

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"Okay, girls. Do you like it?", a YG staff excitedly said.

Everyone remained silent.


" it really our final group name?"

"It's just a suggestion. You are free to choose what you like."

"Then NO.", soo jin unnie.

"Please let's change it.", young mi unnie.

"Oh, Thank God!", hae won unnie.

They simultaneously exclaimed.

"Oh. You don't like 'Punk Darlings?"

"Ah, unnie. Then we will be called PD, like a PD-nim", choon hee exclaimed. Soojin and I chuckled.

"It's cool though. You are still a girl crush but with cheerful persona also."

"I think Byul is definitely not a darling when dancing.", choon hee. Everyone laughed.

"Yah! You're the one to talk."

"Okay, so what do you want? Any suggestion?"

We are currently preparing for our debut and we were asked of our own opinion about our group name. We finished the recording already and it was so fun. But this group name is stressing me out. Why are they so addicted with the word PUNK, my God!

After so much debate, we finally decided to have a group name DARLIN'.

D - Dreamers
A- Aiming
R- Real
L- Love
I- Identity
N- Nation
'- continuous growth (missing G)

It's a weird name but i love it. The reason of how we came up with this name is so amazing.

Our positions in the group were also discussed. It was decided to announce our debut 2 weeks from the release of the MV. Our album jacket shooting will be held next week, together with shooting of our MV. Talking about these schedules feels weird, I feel like I'm in a dream. Our dream are slowly within our grasp and everyone feels so overwhelmed.



Everyone is so nervous and excited. At first, we are so afraid of our first ever pictorial but surprisingly, we had a lot of fun. Maybe because since our concept this time are lively and about vibrant young dreamers, we were just instructed to smile and enjoy everything.

"Our make-up is no joke hahahah", choon hee.

"I love your rainbow eye shadow though", Soo jin unnie.

I decided to talk to our camera for behind the scenes, "We were laughing a while ago. Since everyone's makeup is very colorful and vibrant, it takes a lot of time doing it. But when we finally set our feet here, we just silently looked at each other and then cried.", i laughed.

"Right, right!", Soo jin unnie laughed.

"Choon hee was wailing!"

Soo jin unnie clapped her hands while laughing and we high fived.

"Ani! That's not true!"

"Jinjja! It was hilarious. She was like waaaahh and her makeup was a disaster hahahha!", Choon hee slapped my arm.

"It was our first ever pictorial so it should be perfect as much as possible but it turned out....", Soo jin unnie can't continue and started laughing with me.

"Our unnie had to immediately redo our make up. But choon hee...", i laughed again with soo jin unnie while leaning to each other, can't stop laughing.

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