The Pencil Becomes Sparkly

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Once upon a time, there lived a pencil. The pencil was a bit sad, because it was very ordinary.

All of the other pencils were rainbow or sparkly or glittery, but it was just a plain, red and black HB pencil.

So, one day, it asked it’s friend the superglue to squirt some of it’s contents on top of it. Then, whilst the glue was still wet, it rolled around in some sequins and glitter and party streamers. Now, it looked like a rainbow, sparkly and glittery pencil, just like all the others, only better.

And so, it lived out the rest of it’s pencilly life knowing that it was far superior to all the other pencils since it was red and black and rainbow and sparkly and glittery all in one, whereas all the other pencils were only one type of ‘special’, and not any of the others.


The Epic Tale Of An HB PencilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon