First Day Of School

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Third Person

"We have to start walking in ten minutes. So have some breakfast and relaaaaa..." Jin said looking down and saw how high her skirt was.

"Jin?" You worry about him, "Are you okay? Your bright red."

"I'm fine it's just..." He stutters "You just look so beautiful."

The other guys realized the skirt and then also started to become red.

"Enough chitter chatter." Jimin came walking down the stairs "J-HOPE! HURRY UP!"

"I'm coming," J-Hope yelled back"Are we leaving now?"

"YES!" Jimin yelled again "Get your ass down here!"

"Jeez! I'm here. Chill." J-Hope respond miserably "Let's go then."



As we walk to school, the closer and closer we get to school the more badass they look. I wonder why... Well, I guess I'll find out when I get there. I hope they don't get embarrassed by walking with me... I think this on the way to school and lower my head...

 I think this on the way to school and lower my head

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"Hey, n/n," Jimin seemed upset, "you seem sad... Is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I say putting on a fake smile in order to put him at ease.

"Oh come on," J-Hope joined the conversations "We have all known each other for years. We can tell you're sad about something. Come on spit it out."

"Its just I don't want guys to get embarrassed by me, the 'new kid' of the school and you guys are really cool."

"Don't worry y/n, we could never be embarrassed by you," Jungkook said placing his hand on my shoulders "in a way, it is probably good that people see you with us."

"How is it good?"I ask "People might just think I'm trying to get popular or hook up with one of you..."

They all turn red (again).

"People here are chill, don't worry." Jungkook continued "people like us... Well most of them anyway... But there's no need to worry"

"Most of them?" I question

They all make eye contact with each other with concerned faces

"Just don't worry about it" J-Hope assured you, "Like we said if anyone gives you trouble, then you come to us and we'll sort them out."

We all laugh together.

A few minutes later, we arrive at school. I hear gossiping and chatter amongst the other students as we walk down the hallway.

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