Homeroom Hazard

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Your pov
It's time to go to homeroom now. I go to my class with V, Namjoon and Jimin, because we all had the same class. But as soon as we took a few steps in and I froze, same with V, Namjoon and Jimin... We just stood there in silence witnessing what we just saw...

Still your pov
Everyone was screaming, it was crazy, books were being thrown, pencils, bags, everything single price of stationery you could think of. Me, V, Namjoon and Jimin just kind of stood there... not really knowing what to do... I'll admit, I'm very scared... but the boys... it seemed normal to them... WTF!?!? HOW THE FUCK CAN THIS BE NORMAL!?!

"Ahem." The teacher seemed to be trying to get the classes attention. Don't think a little 'ahem' will do it though.

He raised his voice "AHEM!" The class hushed. Nothing was being thrown, no words were spoken...

"Everyone, sit down at a desk and whisper amount your self while I sort something out." Next to us was a table with 4 chairs, so me, V, Namjoon and Jimin decided to sit on it.

Jimin POV
As the teacher starts running her mouth at the other kids, I start to stare off into my own world, my chin of the Palm of my hand, thinking to myself... I close my eyes and started to think of the first thing that came to mind... Y/N... God... She's just amazing... Just imagining her in that cute short skirt... Oh my... The things I would do to her... She wouldn't be able to walk the next morning... I imagine her, sitting right next to me, and my hand slowly reaching for her thigh, moving my hand up and down, her face turning more red by every movement... I loved it, I could tell she did to. I start to move my hand to her inner thigh, small moans come out of her mouth. Soon enough my hand was in my underwear.

I hear clicking noises. I realized that I had been smiling with my eyes closed...

"You alright there?" Y/n kindly asked while Namjoon was leaning back into his chair after clicking over my face.

"I thought you had fallen asleep." V chuckled to himself.

Namjoon stared at me with an evil look, a smirk started to creep into his face.
"So, Jimin, care to tell us what you were thinking about." My eyes widened and my cheeks turned a tint of pink

"It was nothing. It was just stupid, hehe. Anyway, why do you care?" I say holding my breathe

"Its just you were learning a a bit towards y/n. Are you sure it was nothing?" Namjoon leaned towards my face

"Oh- I-I-I was... S-s-orry, y/n. I didn't realize." I stutter trying to cover up my unconscious actions. 

"Its fine." Y/n smiled "V fell asleep on me anyway." Me, Namjoon and Y/n all looked at V's head on y/n's shoulder "Did you guys get any sleep last night? Oh no... That makes me worried about Suga..."

We all laugh... Except sleeping beauty over there.

"Should we wake him up?" I suggested

"Let him sleep for a bit." Y/n said, I was hoping she'd say yes... I dislike that he's so close to her. That sneaky son. Of. A. Bitch.

Namjoon grabs my attention by him starring with furious eyes at V. I wonder... Does he like her too? Damn... This may turn into competition...

*A few hours later*


Geography's... so... boring... I'm next to Jungkook and Jin, I start to doze off and then black. I had fallen asleep. Well... I guess I am no better then V and Jimin

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