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Hello lovely people. Did you miss me?

I know I've been gone for a long time and have put this story off to the side. I apologize for the fact I did it so abruptly. The truth is I don't have any inspiration for this story anymore. Well, not as much as I used to. I still want to finish this series but as of right now, this time in my life, I just can't find it in myself to make this story a top priority. So for that reason I have made the decision to discontinue this story (or if I feel like coming back to it later on then you could consider this a hiatus). I understand if you're disappointed or mad but please understand that I'd rather take a break and get motivation to write and put something great out there for you guys rather than just make something that I'm not proud of and you guys might not like. Thank you for reading this story and loving the characters I created and the personalities I made through this great movie/book series.

Bye bye lovelies ~

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