Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Darkness... It was the only thing I could see in this world.

'Why? Why do I have to die and reincarnate as a slave?'

I rubbed my stomach as if to calm down the storm inside as it rumbled.

'How many days was it when I- Or rather, the owner who resided in this body before me, last ate?'

I sighed in despair and confusion. When I first came into this world, I was suddenly being dragged by two men who looked like human-traffickers away from my supposed family. I was too confused and tried to run away. When I realised my attempts of fleeing were futile as they tackled me with their inhumane arms, I gave up. They threw me into a metal cage on what looked like a carriage, like a sack of potatoes and locked me in. When my head received a big impact, I fainted into the darkness. Thus, to where I am now.

Unfamiliar images were shown in my mind. Which seemed more like memories than images. I scowled and felt my hatred burning up. Those bastards who called themselves my parents sold their own child for money. It's pitiful that I was reincarnated to this girl's body. It's such a waste for a beautiful child to be raised in a poor family only to be sold with a high price, hence the large amount of money my 'parents' earned.

The only good points she had from me was because she loved reading books in the public library. Fortunately, all the commoners that lived here knew how to read and write. Thanks to that, I now know the information needed for me to survive in this strange place of swords and magic.

This world was called Naia. Once upon a time, there were two gods that fell in love and had a daughter and named her Natalia. The other gods praised and doted on the little goddess who was all powerful, except one. His name was Lazarus, tainted with hatred and envy for the man who stole his only lover, the mother of Natalia, Lilac. He planned the assassination of her daughter, who was the living proof of Lilac's love for her husband, Exzandr. Lilac and her husband knew what was going on and tried to stop him but it was too late. They saw the bloodied body of their daughter cut in half. This angered them and condemned Lazarus to eternal suffering. Lilac cried sorrowfully as Exzandr buried their daughter in a star, thus the world Naia was born. Named from the first two letters and the last two letters of her daughter. To fill the void in her heart, she filled Naia with all the races she and her daughter planned to give life to and treated them as her own children. Soon enough, she died because of too much sorrow and became a part of her daughter as the Holy Tree of Naia. Such a sad story isn't it?

Anyway, among the different races, the most common were the humans. Including me. We only consist of four sections. The Gold Section has three departments. The first were, of course, the royalties. They govern the whole kingdom and is responsible for keeping the society alive and running. Legit magic exists here, hence the existence of 'magicians'. They are people blessed by the Holy Tree of Naia. They belong to the second department. The third department is where the Knights of the Round Table gather, they protect the royals and is usually dispatched on the front lines as acting leaders.

The Silver Section were occupied by three departments. The first department, the nobles, rule over a small piece of land called a fief where commoners reside. Merchants in the second department, are usually the ones who sells goods or own stores. There are some who are called travelling merchants, they travel and trade goods rather than staying in the kingdom.

The fiefs were sometimes protected by knights, which belong to the third department. They are also the ones who fight in wars and such together with the Round Table.

Commoners are placed in the Bronze Section. They are, well... Commoners, for lack of better explanation. Probably what you would call a 'normal citizen' in my past life.

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