Volume 1 Chapter 9

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A Note from Lil' Chiaki:

Mina-san, konnichiwa! So just to clarify, a demon is a demon-class beast (It's just a class but really it's a beast) and it is different from a demonic beast, they have red eyes (a demon with the characteristics of a beast). The demons with human bodies are called demi-demons/half-demons. Some of you might get confused with the different terms I used so I just wanted to make it clear...

Well, enjoy!


"OOOORAHHHH!" I shouted as I sliced the winged demon in half. 'Almost there' I thought as I was approaching the special guests' room to assist the knights fighting off the demons. Then, a loud shriek suddenly pierced my eardrums. "Dammit!" I cursed loudly as I covered my ears, feeling a little weak. Getting into a fighting stance, I furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't recognize the demons that abruptly appeared in front of me, completely blocking my path.

'What the hell!? What is with these demons!?' I thought when I recalled the books I've read about demons, none in similarity with them came up. My head was blank as I didn't know what was happening. They had a skeletal-like head, together two horns growing out of them with its slim tongue hanging out and frills attached to its neck. Its body had four legs with really sharp claws and a really long tail. 'Could it be!? A new demon race!? What is happening!?' Confirming my suspicions, I appraised them to look at their status.


Name: Skull Shrieker Class: Demon Race: Beast



Special Abilities:

Shriek | Poison Claw | Poison Spit | Regeneration |


An artificially made demon-class beast. Has affinity with the Air attribute. By using the air attribute, it can weaken a person by shrieking loudly or by using it's special abilities to poison. Can regenerate. Origins are unknown.

'T-this is!? What the hell is going on here!?' I thought, only mythical beasts have affinities with the elements! Since Storm was a mythical beast, he had the affinity with the water attribute. However, for a demon-class beast to have one, let alone all, is near to impossible! But taking into account of the fact that it's artificial, made sense that it would be possible.

Dodging quickly as a beast leaped at me, clawing in the air, I swung my weapon to it's belly as I ducked under it. But to my surprise, the blade did not even scratch the skin of the beast a bit. Using my moment of surprise, another beast went for me and attacked. Activating my special ability 'Abnormal Physical Boost', I dove to the right, my movement accelerated but not enough to avoid it's claws as it grazed my face, the poison entering my flesh. Doing no damage at all as it was ineffective because of my high resistance to poison.

"Tch, what a pain" I muttered, feeling pissed off as I touched my face. Retracting my hand, My eyes turned into slits as I saw bright red blood. 'Now you've done it.'

Retreating to put enough distance between the beasts and me, I unequipped the Harbinger of War and took out Sakura from my item box. 'Be prepared to be sent into hell' I thought as I unsheathed and gripped the handle of the katana with two hands and took a stance. Seeing the beasts advance, I dashed at them, releasing the dark aura of my killing intent. A crazed look was plastered on my face as adrenaline rushed through my veins and an eerie smile broke out as I slashed through them with ease, dancing elegantly with a bit of sharpness.

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