Volume 1 Chapter 3

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A Note from Lil' Chiaki:

Mina-san, konnichiwa! So, since I was too excited and too hyper, I decided to update earlier than the updating schedule written in the description of the story. The reason why I only update on Wednesdays is so that I wouldn't have to worry about the deadlines and stuff. (I already had enough at school.)

"SOMEONE, SAVE MEEEE!!!" Author-san cried helplessly as she drowned in the dark abyss filled with unfinished projects...

'Author-san is so pitiful'  (ŏ_ŏ)
Who can relate? Anybody?

Anyway, enjoy the chappies!!!

Sayonara! ~♥


The library door jingled when I opened it and as soon as I came inside, I was hit by the smell of books and dust.

"A-achoo!" I suddenly sneezed and all heads turned to me. Lowering my head in embarrassment, I continued to proceed deeper in the library while my brother was snickering.

I ignored him and searched for the books I was looking for. After looking at all the bookshelves, I was starting to feel down as I haven't found a single information about the Round Table. 'Was all the information about the Round Table kept secret to the commoners?' I thought. 'Hmm... Maybe I should start making connections to merchants and nobles to access more information. I'll ask dad later about it'

I was about to go back when a book, in the corner of my vision, caught and piqued my interest. I took out the dusty book designed with gold letters. I tried to blow the dust off it like in the movies but instead, I inhaled the dust carelessly and coughed like a mad woman. 'Definitely a bad idea' I thought and wiped off the dust instead.

The book was titled 'Magic Circles', written in bold. 'Magic Circles? Aren't those the things used in cults and witchcraft?' I opened the book and read the contents. According to the book, a Magic Circle is a form of magic that is filled with very complex designs and ancient symbols. It contains ancient runes and can only be used by someone with large mana.

'But regardless of the symbols and runes, imagination is the most important part when making one right? Hmm... Seems interesting.' I thought when I recalled my past life.

An otaku friend of mine gave me a lot of manga about fantasy and stuff, so I know some things about magic. Incidentally, in one of the stories I read, there was a story about a girl who was reincarnated in a parallel world that was filled with swords and magic, same as the circumstances I am in now. 'Maybe the authors were also transmigrated and went back to the original world. There's no doubt about it. There is a chance that they experienced it themselves and the rest were inspired by their stories.' I thought.

Now that I finally have reference books about magic, I decided to try and test them out when I have the chance. Besides, I don't even know if I have the aptitude magic. After I was done reading, I looked for my brother and saw something I shouldn't have. I peeked through my fingers that covered my face and saw my brother shamelessly flirting with a girl!! She seemed older than me and was dressed well. 'Maybe a merchant's daughter? Damn, brother. You've got guts to flirt in a public library. You could get sued by her father you know. It's sexual harassment!'

"Ahem, Onii-san. What are you doing?" I asked, then he froze and turned slowly while the girl turned red in embarrassment as if caught doing something improper.

"T-talia! Are you done already!?" I nodded and cocked my eyebrow. "Really, brother? I just went to find books and got back only to find you here flirting with an innocent girl? Shameless." I shook my head in disappointment.

"It's not what you think it is!"
My brother cried out in denial. "Then what is?" I asked. My brother exchanged looks with the girl and she nodded. Then they proceeded to tell me on how they met and became secret lovers and how he used being an adventurer as an alibi. They looked at each other lovingly. 'Ugh, I might puke.'

Then suddenly a lightbulb appeared in my head. 'I could use her as an asset to access more information! Merchants are always well-informed about the society! Good job Onii-san!' I thought as I secretly praised my brother.


After coming home exhausted, we ate dinner and I asked my father about the missing information about the Round Table.

"Hmm? Information about the Round Table? Why?" I shrugged. "Just curious" He looked at me with his eyebrow cocked. "Uh-huh. Talia, you don't need to be shy about it. Your brother already told me. I am already considering the idea of appointing you, instead of Jared, as the inheritor of the title Commander." I chocked on the food I was eating. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Ehhhhh!?!?!?" I whiplashed my head towards my brother with an accusing look. He just looked away acting innocent. 'You bastard. Making me an escape goat so you can have your life with your secret lover. Well, it's not like I don't like the idea of becoming a Commander anyway.' I thought while giving him the stink eye.

"Talia" My father called out to me and I turned my attention to him.

"Being a Commander is a serious job. To be able to shoulder the burdens of a Commander, you should- no, you have to be strong. Both mentally and physically. Are you seriously considering being a part of the Round Table as a Commander? Are you prepared to shoulder the burdens and responsibilities a Commander has?" He questioned me.

'Bring it on. I have died at the age of thirty and have a mind of a wise and independent woman. Oh the perks of being an honor graduate and a businesswoman in my past life'

"Hai, Tousama. I'm ready" I answered while looking in his eyes, not faltering. He nodded in approval.

"We start training tomorrow. Be prepared as I'll push you to the limits and until you can't move anymore, understand?"

"Yes, sir"

"Haah!? What was that? I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND, YOUNG LADY!?" He bellowed.

"YES, SIR!" I spoke loudly from my stomach. He nodded and kissed my head.

"Goodnight, kiddo" He said as he went to bed. 'W-wait! My question is still unanswered! Mou!'


*Clang* *clang* *clang*

A noise sounded in my ear jolting me awake. I covered my poor ears as it ringed. "Ahh! IT HURTS!" I glared at my father who was holding a spatula and a pan. "What's with that glare young lady!? Number one rule: Always wake up before the sun rises!" He bellowed pointing at the window.

I cradled my head and complained as I slept late last night. "No complaining! Starting today, you'll be known as my apprentice! Now get up and run five laps around the perimeter! Go! Go! Go!" He ushered me outside and locked the door. "No breakfast until you are finished!"

"Haah!?!? In my pajamas!?!?" I exclaimed. He just ignored me and left me out there. "Bastard father" I muttered as I started to stretch and began running.

"Hah, hah, hah" 'Crap, this is so tiring.' I thought as I almost finished the first lap. 'How big is our perimeter anyway? It wouldn't hurt to rest a bit right?' I started to slow down and take a rest on the grassy ground but noooo. My dad just had to be there watching me.

"No resting! As punishment, run one more lap!"

"Wha-" 'I have to run one more lap!? Then that makes it six!'

"If I ever see you resting again, I'll add another one!" My father threatened and ruthlessly ordered me '... Scary' I thought as I started running again.

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