Volume 1 Chapter 5

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Ever since that night where I found out that I can use magic, I have been practicing my magic every night secretly whilst every morning, I trained for the tournament. Every morning I would curse my dad silently in my head for the spartan training and lessons he forced upon me. My head ached when I remembered that he made me learn about the tournaments immediately after I finished cutting those trees. 'It gave me a trauma' I shuddered just by thinking about it.

Given the blessing to have affinity to all elements, I tried everything from the pages of the books to my endless imagination. The list consists of: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning , Light, Darkness, and Holy. The original magic that I also demanded from Exzandr was quite useful as I created new kinds of magic spells. There was also a list of Special Abilities I discovered when my 'status' suddenly appeared in front of me when I read it aloud while reading a book. 'So this world is kind of like an RPG' I thought as I studied my status carefully.


Name: Talia Greycott Age: 8 Race: Human

MP: Infinite HP: 9999/9999

ATK: 900 DEF: 900

AGI: 900 HIT: 900


Air | Water | Earth | Fire | Lightning | Light | Darkness | Holy

Special Abilities:

Photographic Memory | Teleportation | Abnormal Physical Boost | Divine Enchantment | Body Transformation | Presence Detection | Presence Concealment | Status Concealment | Ability Steal | Materializing | Magic Cancellation | Endurance (new) |


Person from Another World | Former Slave | A Knight's Apprentice | Exzandr's Disciple | Mage | Tree Cutter Prodigy (new) |

A vain in my forehead became visible when I saw the last title that was written on my status. 'Why the heck is that there!?'

Anyways, ten years have already passed and I'm already in an eligible age to participate in the tournament. Considering the training sessions and lessons my ruthless dad drilled into me, I might even be in the top candidates for the knights. 'That's how hard my training was.' I thought as I remembered when he threw me in the dense forest where the middle-class beasts are found. The forest was called 'Hell Forest', true to it's name, I had one hell of a time there. I winced remembering the deep scar I got on my abdomen and face from the Serpent Woman. It was a beast that had a head of a snake with the torso of a woman covered in scales. It had two arms armed with sharp claws and a long tail with a razor sharp tip. Fortunately, I survived the hit as it did not do any damage to my organs, only poisoning me. So because of that, I received another special ability called 'High Poison Resistance', but I also lost a lot of blood and almost fainted from the pain it caused. If it wasn't for my healing power and and my affinity to all elements, which I've kept secret from my family, I would have died and devoured by the beasts.

The fact that scars adorned every inch of my body proves that I have already defeated a lot of monsters. I even got a hefty amount of money from completing quests in the adventures guild. I only found about that when my father decided to let me out to the capital for the purpose of buying me a weapon.


The carriage I was in was trembling and shaking as it traveled towards the capital. I would be screaming in excitement by now if it wasn't for the uncomfortable ride when every time the carriage shakes I bump everywhere, from the walls to the ground. I felt bruises forming all over my body, especially my bottom and... my bosoms. Ever since I turned fourteen, my bust size was getting bigger and bigger until it reached cup C. It was bouncing and bouncing every time the carriage shakes. And it hurrrrts. 'Why can't people device a more secure bra than this!?' I thought about the bra I wore that was loosely fitted. 'It doesn't even have any bra paddings!'

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